Chapter 35

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Bold texts mean flashbacks 👌

It had been a few months since Hope and Josie had officially gotten their house. They had just finished decorating it. And it honestly was starting to feel like theirs.

"Good morning beautiful," Hope says smiling down at her girlfriend who had her head resting on the auburnettes chest.

"Good Morning," Josie said giving her a sleepy smile.

The sun's morning light was shining down on the girl making her practically glow. God, Hope could stare at her forever if she could. But they had work, school, and children to look after.

"Are you watching me you creep" Josie teased before opening her eyes and looking at her girlfriend.

"Maybe... but it's justified, you are just so beautiful" the girl smiled before placing a kiss on Josie's jaw.

Josie ran her hands through Hope's hair before coming to a stop and looking at her girlfriend with a raised eyebrow "wait... you aren't horny are you?"

Hope's eyebrows furrowed together "what?"

"You're being extra nice... and normally-"

"No! I'm not I just wanted to show you how much I love you" she pouted.

"Oh, okay, well continue" the brunette grinned and grabbed the back of Hope's head and brought the girl's lips back to her jaw.

As Hope continued kissing down her jaw and neck they heard the twins banging on the door "mommy!"

They both let out a loud sigh and Hope buried her face in the brunette's neck "we are never going to know peace again are we?"

"Nope" the girl chuckled before she and the auburnette got off the bed and made their way to the door, opening it.

"Mommy!" Lucas held his arms up for Josie and the girl immediately picked him up.

Since it was a weekend and both Hope and Josie didn't have to work or go to school they decided to have a family day with their kids.

Right now they were at one of Josie's favorite diners, she loved their vegan options.

"No kicking" Hope said to Andrea as she put the two-year-old into the diners highchair. She pouted but listen to her mother.

"Do you know what you're ordering?" the brunette looked up from the menu and at her girlfriend.

"I'm going to be basic and get the burger and fries" she smiled.

Josie nodded "I'm going to get the vegan burger, and I'm ordering the twin's chicken tender and fries meal from the kid's menu."

"Fryies," Lucas said.

"Yes my love you are going to get fries," she said smiling and kissing her baby's cheek making the little boy giggle.

"Hi, I'm your waiter what can I get you today?"

"Hi, uh well have-" Josie's words died in her throat when she saw who was their waiter.

Hope's eyebrows furrowed together before she looked at what Josie was staring at. Anger immediately filled her when she saw Finch.

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