Chapter 25

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Very short filler chapter, it's setting up the next chapter enjoy :)

About a month later with the help of their families, Hope and Josie had finally finished their apartment. And they were pretty proud of it.

Although it did take them a moment to agree on a color scheme it all came together nicely.

The couch was a light gray color with fall-colored pillows, and the living room table was made of wood and had a few candles.

But Josie's absolute favorite part of the apartment was their son's nursery. The two girls agreed on wanting it to be a gender-neutral nursery. The walls were white and green, while they had a crème colored crib, along with another plant because Josie insisted.

"I can't believe it's done," Josie said arching her aching back.

"I know" Hope smiled and looked around the apartment before looking over at Josie who looked uncomfortable "are you okay?" she frowned.

"Just uncomfortable... my feet and back hurt" Josie sighed "but I'm in my last few weeks of pregnancy so that's normal."

The shorter girl stood there for a moment thinking "alright sit down, feet up."

"What?" Josie raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to give you a foot massage, then run you a hot bath, and after your bath, I'm going to order you some food from your favorite restaurant and bring it to you in bed."

"Is this some kind of trick...?" Josie said slowly as she sat down on the couch and propped up her feet.

"Of course not, I just want to do something nice for you, you're having my baby" she smiled and got on her knees before starting to give the pregnant girl a foot massage.

Josie closed her eyes and legs out a sigh of contentment "that feels amazing..."

Hope smiled and continues giving the girl a massage.

True to her word after the brunette was done with her bath Hope brought in some burgers. She didn't usually like eating meat but since she got pregnant it's all she craved.

"I'm so ready for him to come out," Josie said as she took a bite of her burger "tired of being a human incubator."

"You heard that? mommy wants you out little one, we are ready for you" Hope said to the brunette's stomach, earning a small kick in response.

"Wow already starting with the attitude I see?"

"You probably woke him up" Josie chuckled, taking another bite of her food.

"I'm his mom I can wake him up whenever I was" Hope rolled her eyes playfully.

The brunette felt the baby kick again "he seems to disagree with that statement."

After a few minutes of them just eating Hope propped her head on her palm "who do you think he is going to look like?"

"I don't know but I hope he has your baby blue eyes, and your auburn hair."

"He better have your nose and lips."

"It's so weird thinking he's just right there" Hope rubbed the girl's stomach where their son rested.

"I know, I find it hard to believe too" Josie chuckled and put her hand over Hopes.

"You know... certain activities can induce labor..."

Josie's eyes narrowed "what are you trying to say?"

"I think you know what I'm trying to say."

"Are you just horny twenty-four seven?"

"Hey! I'm a teenager it's in my nature, plus I'm just trying to help get him out of you as fast as possible."

Josie thought about it for a second before nodding "you're right get over here" the girl said before her hands when to Hopes' belt buckles as she undid it.

The shorter girl hovered over the brunette and leaned down, bringing their lips together into a heated kiss.

"Wait Hope stop."

"What-" Hope said seeing Josie looking down, the girl followed her gaze seeing a wet spot in between them.

"Wow I didn't know you were that turned on-"

"Hope I'm not turned on, well I am- Hope I don't know what you did but I think my water just broke."

The girl's eyes widened as she looked up at Josie "wow I am good!"

"Don't get cocky, grab the hospital bag," she said and Hope crawled off the bed, buttoning up her pants and getting the bag.

Hope held out her hand helping Josie out of the bed "you ready to have a baby?"

"Yeah," the brunette said swallowing nervously.

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