Chapter 43

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Double update! sorry about last chapter 🙂

Josie had been at a hotel with the twins for a few days now, and it was extremely hard being on her own without Hope. The girl usually helped out with the twins but now she was doing it on her own.

She knew Hope knew what hotel they staying she had used their card to buy a room but the auburnette was respecting her wishes and keeping her distance.

Speaking of Hope the girl has been texting and calling her nonstop, she of course didn't answer because why would she listen to what a cheater has to say?

Hope had hurt her more than the girl probably knew. The auburnette had been the only person she had ever loved, she thought they were in an amazing place in their relationship but Josie guessed she just wasn't enough.

The brunette was in the middle of bathing the twins in the small bathtub (that she deeply scrubbed) that was in the room when she heard a knock at the door.

"Mommy will be back, in two seconds," she said leaving the twins to play with their shower toys.

When she opened the door she saw her twin on the other side looking at her with her arms crossed.

Josie just rolled her eyes before walking back to the twins who were now splashing the bubbly water to the point it was getting on the floor.

"No splashing" she pointed and they both pouted at her.

"What's this I heard about you and Hope being separated?? and you living in a hotel," the blonde says walking into the bathroom.

Josie sighed and slowly put soap into the twin's hair as she thought back to the moment it happened.

"She cheated on me Lizzie," the brunette said.

"What!" Lizzie yelled making Lucas jump from the sudden rise in volume.

"I'm gonna cut her dick off!" the blonde said "I know I have scissors in here somewhere."

"Liz, no just leave it alone don't even speak to her okay? this is my business I don't want you defending me."

The blonde frowned and put her scissors back in her purse "fine, but you are not staying in a hotel I won't allow it."

"Lizzie it's fine here, we have everything we need, and it's better this way, it's not exactly the best thing to be staying with mom and dad with two one-year-olds, I love them and they would probably love for us to stay but I can't do that."

Lizzie sighed and sat on the toilet lid and looked at her sister who was sitting on the ground in front of the tub washing her kids.

"Are you going to talk to Hope?" the blonde asked curiously.

"Well obviously I'm going to talk to her one day, these aren't just my kids" Josie shrugged "but right now I don't want to talk to her, I'm still hurt and am trying to process the fact that she cheated on me."

"Understandable... do you want me to stay with you three tonight?"

Josie shook her head "no we're good, plus don't you have school tomorrow? if you stayed here you'd be so late to class."

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