Chapter 26 👶

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A lot of you have probably been waiting for this... but yes this chapter features smut from Hosies first time aka when they made the baby 🙈

Bold letters are flashback!

"Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck" Josie groaned as she slowly paced around the room in her hospital gown, holding her hands to her back, putting pressure.

Hope just sat there and helplessly watched the girl "is there anything I can do?"

"Oh believe me you have done enough..." the brunette said before sitting on her hospital bed "did you call my mom?"

"Yeah I let her, your dad, and your sister know what was going on, and I texted my family telling them the update."

After sitting there for a few minutes in silence the brunette let out another groan.

"Hope go get the doctor, I need the damn epidural!" she groaned in pain.

"Well, I don't think you can get it yet- you aren't even 5 centimeters-"

"Go get the doctor!"

Hope immediately stood up and went towards the door "yep getting the doctor I'll be back" she walked out.


It was a long day after band practice and Josie decided to walk Hope back to her cabin after the two had just finished dinner.

"Thanks for walking me back... that was sweet" Hope smiled.

"Yeah of course..." Josie blushed and looked down.

Noticing the reaction Josie had at her simple word Hope smirked "do you maybe want to come in?"

"Do I want to come in?" Josie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, do you want to come in" Hope said drawing out her words so Josie understood what she was trying to say.

"Oh! oh, y-yeah" Josie nodded.

The shorter girl reached out for the brunette and pulled her into the cabin. Before the door even closed Hope felt Josie's lips on her.

"Someone's eager."

"Sorry-" the pulled away for a moment.

"No, I like it," the auburn said before putting her hands under the brunette's thighs and hoisting her up. Josie immediately wrapped her legs around the girl's waist.

Hope pressed the girl up against the wall of the cabin, crashing her lips back into the brunette, earning a small moan in response.

The auburn-haired girl grinds her hard center into the brunette, causing the girl to whimper.

"Wait... wait... I need to tell you something."

"Are you okay?" Hope breathed out.

"I've never done this before" the brunette swallowed and looked at the wall behind Hopes' head embarrassingly.

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