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Y/n couldn't sleep in the cell, it was still unclear what she was seeing. She only just got half her vision but she knew that she was in danger. 

"Y/n?" A voice startled her, making her turn to face the voice.


"Sorry to wake you but the boss would like to see us. let's get going"

Y/n got up and walked toward the bar, and he opened the cell and helped her walk to a big room. 

"Welcome Y/n, and 'mike' there a few things we need to discuss."

"What is it?" Y/n spoke up but kept her eyes looking forward. 

"Your mother has made an appearance and it may be trouble if she doesn't come in."

"Well, it is best to find mom."


"Kathie, our mom."

"...right...um Mikey I am tired... I like to go to bed."

"No, we have a lot to do. There is no time to rest."

"Mikey, I need rest."

"It is alright 'Mike', Y/n go back to the room and rest."

"you, walk her back to her room." 'Mike' spoke to someone, and they grabbed Y/n pulling her away from them. "sir, how long do we have to do this?"

"Do not question anything Christian. Within time she will tell you about the visions."


Everyone was looking at Lacey, confused about who she is.

"Everyone meet my mom. Now, mom let's find my sister." Mike turned to face them. Lacey walked past the killers to walk with her son to a room upstairs.

"Are you okay?" Lacey worried for her son. Not for the fact he is in a house full of killers but for losing his sister.

"No mom, my sister was taken, and I have no clue. I haven't seen you for 16 years! Y/n barely remembers you but I make sure she doesn't forget who you were."

"Mike I had to protect you! Both of you!"

"Kathie put us in danger! She killed Dad, I wanted her dead for so long, but I can't find where she is to kill her. Now my sister is in danger. So what did you have to protect us from!"

"I protected you both from being taken at the at of 5 and 8. If I stayed, he would have taken you both then."


"When I was pregnant with your sister, I had a vision that you both were taken, me and your father became badly injured. Since you both were so young, you would have gotten manipulated and worked with them. I didn't want to put either of you in that danger. But it never showed me that his new wife would do any of that to you until it was too late."

"So either way we would have been in danger."

"Yes, but this way your both were protected by Slenderman."

"Well, now my sister was taken."

"Stop arguing and make a plan." Masky stood at the door startling both of them. Goodie stood behind them wearing a similar hoodie and mask.

"Right. Sorry. Mom, I need your help. As far as I know, he lives underground, hidden, and his gang can appear there from his order."

"Then make a map from each spot they disappear from."

"Where is the map?" Lacey looked around the room for one but did not see one.

"I'll get it for you." Hoodie walked off.

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