8) Raving

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Lyla was woken up feeling lips touch her shoulder and when she looked, she saw it was Derek. "Hey, you okay" Derek asked her.

"Yeah fine" Lyla said sitting up. "Wow easy" Derek told her. "Derek I'm fine" Lyla told him.

"Are you sure I could always get Issac to cover for you or Erica" Derek asked. "I promise I'm okay and if it helps, I'll stay with Isaac, Erica, or Boyd at all times" Lyla said.

"Okay" Derek said, and Lyla got up going to get ready.


Later on, that day Scott and Stiles went to the clinic. "It's the same stuff we use on the dogs just a higher dosage if you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down to buy enough time" Deaton said.

"This is some of what you'll use to create the barrier this part is for you Stiles only you" Deaton said to him.

"Uh that sounds like a lot of pressure can we maybe find a slightly less pressure filled task for me" Stiles asked.

"It's from the mountain ash tree which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural this office is filled with Ashwood making it difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble" Deaton said.

"Okay so then what I just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it" Stiles asked.

"They'll be trapped" Deaton said. "Doesn't sound too hard" Stiles said.

"Have you seen Lyla" Stiles asked Scott. "Derek picked her up she said she would catch up as soon as she can" Scott said. "Not all of it is think of it like gunpowder it's just powder until a spark ignites it you need to be that spark Stiles" Deaton said.

"If you mean light myself up on fire, I don't think I'm up for that" Stiles said.

"Let me try a different analogy I used to golf I learn that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go they see it in their mind and their mind takes over it can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish" Deaton said.

"Force of will" Stiles said. "If this is going to work Stiles you have to believe it" Deaton said.


Lyla met up with Erica and Issac that night trying to capture Jackson to find out who is controlling him even when Derek begged her to stay with him.

Soon enough they succeeded and had Jackson in a room tied up when Erica and Lyla heard someone and as they were about to attack, they saw Stiles.

Oh no, no just me it's just me" Stiles said. He closed the door behind him.

"Don't freak" Stiles told them causing Lyla to roll her eyes. "Is he okay" Stiles asked them. "Well let's find out" Isaac said extracting his claws bout to attack Jackson but failing going back to Lyla Erica and Stiles.

"Okay no one does anything like that again" Stiles told them while Lyla made sure Issac was okay.

"Oh, I thought the ketamine was supposed to put him out" Isaac said.

"Yeah, well apparently this is all we're going to get so let's just hope whoever is controlling him just decided to show up tonight" Stiles said and then Jackson opened his eyes.

"I'm here" Jackson said in a deep voice. "I'm right here with you" Jackson said again. "Jackson is that you" Lyla asked.

"Us" Jackson replied to her. "We're all here" Jackson said. "Are you the one using my brother to kill people" Lyla asked, and Erica held onto Lyla's shoulder.

"We are the ones killing murders" Jackson said. "So, all the people you've killed so far" Stiles said. "Deserved it" Jackson said.

"See we got a little rule book that says you only go after murders" Stiles said.

"Anything can break if enough pressure's applied" Jackson said. "Alright so the people you're killing are all murders then" Stiles said.

"All, each, every, one" Jackson said. "Well, who did they murder" Lyla asked. "Me" Jackson said.

"Wait what, what do you mean" Stiles asked. "They murdered me" Jackson said. Jackson slowly started transforming, "They murdered me" Jackson said.

Jackson started transforming more. "Okay all right more ketamine the man needs ketamine come on" Stiles said. "We don't have any more" Issac said.

"You used the whole bottle" Stiles said. Erica and Lyla touched Stiles and he looked to see Jackson loose.

"Okay out everybody out go, go, go, go" Stiles said, and they all ran closing the door, but Jackson escaped through the wall.


Lyla, Erica, and Issac caught up with Stiles outside seeing him talking to Derek and they noticed the mountain ash as they stood there not being able to get through.

"It's working oh this is yes I did something" Stiles said proud of himself.

Lyla heard a roar and so did Derek. "Scott" Derek said. "What" Stiles said. "Break it" Derek said. "What no way" Stiles said.

"Scott's dying" Derek exclaimed. "Okay what how do you know that" Stiles asked.

"Stiles I just know break it" Derek said and Stiles did so as Derek went running but stopped when he heard Lyla. "Derek" Lyla said, and Derek looked at her.

"Be careful" Lyla said, and Derek nodded leaving quickly.


Lyla was at the train station waiting for Derek before she left for Erica's considering she could barely stay home not feeling safe not knowing what Jackson or his master would make him do.

Derek eventually came seeing Lyla as he approached her. "How is he" Lyla asked.

"He's okay I took him to Deaton then once he awoke and I was sure he was okay I took him home" Derek said and Lyla nodded.

"Okay" Lyla said. "You, staying here tonight" Derek asked.

"No Erica's I still don't feel safe at home. "Lyla you can stay here I can protect you" Derek said. "I know that just as you know Erica will protect me at all costs" Lyla said.

"Call me if anything happens or howl" Derek asked, and she nodded grabbing her bag about to leave before Derek pulled her to him kissing her.

Lyla managed to pull away giving him a small smile not knowing what to say before leaving.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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