2) Chaos Rising

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"I don't know it doesn't look much to me" Lydia said after tracing her bruise lining it up to Allison.

"It's a pattern it means something" Allison said taking her hand back to drive. "You really think Scott's gonna know what it is" Lydia said.

"No but he might know someone who does" Allison said.

"How are you so sure that it means anything at all" Lydia asked.

"Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott and Lyla it's like she needed to find them like she had to and that means something" Allison said.


Lydia and Allison eventually got ahold of Scott and met up with him outside of a party.

"This isn't the talk we were gonna have is it" Scott asked as he approached them.

Allison shook her head at him. "I need to show you something" she said and showed her bruise.


Isaac was pacing around while Lyla just leaned on a wall in the corner.

"You know I'm starting not to like this idea sounds kinda dangerous you know what I definitely don't like this idea and I definitely don't like him" Issac said.

"You'll be fine" Derek said. "Does it have to be him" Issac asked.

"He knows how to do it I don't be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself" Derek said. "Then maybe you should learn" Lyla said and Derek looked at her then she gave him a fake smile before he went back to his book.

"You know Scott and Lyla doesn't trust him right you know personally I, well I trust them" Issac said and Derek looked at him.

"You trust me" Derek asked Isaac. "Yeah" Isaac said, and Derek went back to his book.

"I still don't like him" Isaac said. "Nobody likes him" Derek said and Peter walked in making a dramatic entrance. "Boys and Lyla FYI yes coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired but the hearing still works so I hope your comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face" Peter said, and they all looked at him.

"We don't like you" Derek said closing the book setting it on the table getting up from his chair. "Now shut up and help us" Derek said. "Fair enough" Peter said extracting his claws.


Isaac was sat in a chair where Lyla and Derek were across from him. "Relax I'll get more out of you if you're calm" Peter said to Isaac going behind him.

"How do you know how to do this again" Isaac asked. "It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice one slip and you could paralyze someone or kill them" Peter said and Lyla and Derek both looked at him.

"You've had a lot of practice though right" Issac asked. "Well, I've never paralyzed anyone" Peter said.

"Wait does the mean that you" Isaac asked before Peter stuck his claws in. Lyla and Derek started to get worried after a few minutes, so they stood up. "Wait I see them" Peter said.

Soon enough Peter pulled away nearly falling on the table while Lyla went over to check on Isaac.

"What'd you see" Derek asked. "Uh it was confusing um Im-images vague shapes" Peter said. "But you saw something" Derek asked.

"Issac found them" Peter said. "Erica and Boyd" Lyla asked. "I barely saw them I mean glimpses" Peter said. "But you did see them" Derek asked.

"And worse" Peter said. "Deucalion" Lyla said before Derek sat back down worried.

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