7) saving Derek

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It was the next morning after Derek and Lyla slept together for the first time. Lyla was currently asleep in Derek's shirt when the alarm went off.

She woke up seeing Derek run to the alarm shutting it off and Cora came down hearing the alarm.

"What does it mean" Cora asked referring to the symbol as they both looked.

"It means they're coming, tonight" Derek said and Cora noticed Lyla's appearance. "You two have fun last night" Cora asked, and Derek rolled his eyes.

"You did use protection didn't you" Cora asked. "Of course, we did" Derek said. Lyla smiled at them before getting up.

"As fun as this is I got to get to school I'm going to go get changed and I'll see you later" Lyla asked Derek, and he nodded giving her a quick kiss before she went to go change.


Lyla was walking in school when Scott and Stiles suddenly engaged her in a hug. "Well hello to you too" Lyla said.

They eventually pulled away from the hug. "Are you sure you're ready for this" Stiles asked.

"Have to be at some point" Lyla said and Scott gave a look. "Why do you smell like Derek" Scott asked.

"Oh well we uh" Lyla said, and Scott got it. "Gross" Scott said. "You asked" Lyla said. "You had sex with Derek" Stiles asked.

"Yeah so" Lyla said. "Nothing just nothing" Stiles said. "Good answer" Lyla said. "Ready for class" Scott asked. "Let's go" Lyla said.


Stiles and Lyla managed to find Lydia after hearing Scott's boss gone missing seeing Cora grab her arm.

"Cora" Lyla said after Cora didn't listen to Stiles, and she reluctantly let go and Lydia just smiled at Lyla. "Derek said" Cora tried to say.

"I don't care what my dumbo of a boyfriend says no one harms Lydia" Lyla said.


Scott heard clicking noises after he saw the text that Stiles and Lyla found Lydia. He followed the noise trying to find where it's coming from.

Each step he took with it, it had got louder and louder.


Stiles placed a Ouija board in front of Lydia with Cora and Lyla on both sides of her.

"A Ouija board" Lydia asked. "Also called a spirit board" Stiles said opening it and setting it up. "It's worth a shot" Stiles said. "Shot in the dark" Lydia said.

"Would you just try it please okay let's not forget who this is for Scott's boss the guy who has saved our lives more than one occasion" Stiles said and Lydia looked at Lyla.

"Doesn't hurt to try" Lyla reassured her, and Lydia sighed. "Okay wait so do we all do this" Cora asked.

"I hope not because I have to go" Lyla said. "Yeah, yeah and it will only take a second Lyla" Stiles said, and Lyla sighed placing her hands on the board with them.

"Better be quick" Lyla said. "You guys ready" Stiles asked them. "Yeah" Lydia said.

"Yes" Cora said. "Just get started" Lyla said. "Where's Dr Deaton" Stiles asked, and everyone looked at Lydia. "What" Lydia said.

"Are you gonna answer it" Stiles asked. "Oh, I don't know the answer I thought we were asking some sort of spirit" Lydia said. "Well do you know any spirits" Cora asked. "Is she for real" Lydia asked.

"Well, this has been fun but I'm leaving so good luck" Lyla said getting up.

"Where are you going" Cora asked Lyla. "To make sure your brother is still alive" Lyla said, and Cora nodded.

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