8) the plan

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"Is there enough" Kira asked setting the laptop down. "Depends on how many cameras they have, but I think so" Stiles said. "Are we really doing this" Lydia asked.

"We're doing it tonight" Scott said. "You're all idiots" Lyla said obviously not liking the plan. "It's the best plan we got" Stiles said.

"So is getting milkshakes on a cold day but you don't see me trying to freeze myself to death over a milkshake" Lyla said and Stiles rolled his eyes.

"But isn't it kind of dangerous" Liam asked. "It's incredibly dangerous and boarder line idiotic" Stiles said.

"Have you guys done something like this before" Liam asked. "Something dangerous or something idiotic" Stiles asked. "I think it's a yes to both" Kira said.

"You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to" Scott said. "I'm not scared" Liam said.

"Then your boarder line idiotic, if we do this, we don't know what's coming with us, you know that right" Stiles said.

"How do we even know something's definitely coming" Kira asked. "Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required" Scott said.

"Simon said the same thing he couldn't get paid by the benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead" Stiles said.

"So, the idea is what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof" Scott asked. "You don't get paid" Kira said. "But how does that get us any closer to the benefactor" Liam asked.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead" Scott said.

"Especially if it's someone high on the list" Stiles said. "So, if he wants visual confirmation" Liam said.

"He's going to have to get it himself" Scott said. "You all are insane this is not going to work" Lyla said leaving. "How is she your sister" Kira asked Lydia who shrugged. "Don't ask me" Lydia said.


It was late at night and Lyla was at Derek's asleep not agreeing with Scott and Stiles's plan.

She looked beside her seeing Derek asleep she sat up lifting his shirt up some seeing he wasn't healing causing her to worry. Derek grabbed her arm as she jumped some.

He opened his eyes looking at her. "What are you doing" Derek asked.

"Checking up on my boyfriend" Lyla said and Derek nodded. "Hmm" Derek said. "How come you're still not healing" Lyla asked. "Some wounds take longer" Derek said.

"Then explain the animal clinic when Brett scratched you" Lyla said. "Lyla I'm fine" Derek said.

"Derek it's me you your girlfriend you can talk to me" Lyla said. "What's going on" Lyla asked.

"Maybe I'm just tired" Derek said rolling onto his side. "Derek, show me your eyes" Lyla said. "You just saw them" Derek said. "Your other eyes, your real eyes" Lyla said, and Derek turned back around looking at her.

"Okay now why don't you tell me what you been hiding from me" Lyla said and Derek sighed.


Derek was now shirtless as Lyla helped him out a gauze on his wound. "It's just a graze but make sure it doesn't get infected" Lyla said. "How do you know how to do this" Derek asked putting his shirt on.

"Jackson was on the lacrosse team remember I used to have to help him with injuries like this" Lyla said.

"So, it's everything then, no glowing eyes, no healing" Lyla asked. "No hearing, speed, everything" Derek said.

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