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Derek ended up staying with Lyla at Noah and Stiles's. She was sound asleep as Derek had his arms around her wide awake and he saw Lyla tossing and turning then he heard something at the door.

He slowly got up without waking Lyla and opened the door seeing Lydia then he saw Lyla sit up as both Lyla and Lydia screamed.


Scott came over the next day at Derek's loft and gave Derek the bag of money he found a while back. "Okay" Derek said.

"Don't you wanna know why it took so long to return it" Scott asked. "How much do you make at the animal clinic" Derek asked. "Minimum wage" Scott said.

"That's why" Derek said. "Everyone can be tempted Scott even a true alpha" Derek added.

"You're not angry" Scott asked. "It's not even mine it belongs to Peter" Derek said. "Where's your money" Scott asked. "You're standing on it" Derek said.

Scott looked down before looking back up. "There's another vault" Scott said and Lyla walked in.

"Please tell me he didn't say what I think he just said" Lyla said walking over to Derek.

"He did" Derek said and saw his jacket on Lyla. "My jacket looks good on you" Derek said and Lyla just smiled. "No, I own the building and I have my own bank accounts" Derek told Scott.

"All the money from the vault was Peter's I think we'd actually be better off if the rest never came back" Derek said.

Derek stood up closing the bag and saw Scott's expression. "I know you were at Stiles's in Lyla's room last night and Lydia came to the door while Lyla woke up screaming" Scott said.

"Deaton's still working on figuring out what Kate did to you if anyone can find an answer it's him" Scott said.


"Lydia, Lydia did you hear me" Malia asked. "Look" Malia said and both Lydia and Lyla looked. "I passed" Malia said and both Kira and Lyla smiled.

"Nice job Malia" Lyla said. "Thanks Lyla" Malia said. "C-minus" Lydia said.

"Your notes are great when they're not written in code" Malia said and then coach put a failed test on her desk as she frowned. "Disappointed Malia profoundly disappointed" Coach said then went to hand out the rest of the tests.

Malia looked at Lydia. "I'll send you my notes" Lydia said and Malia looked away while Lydia looked at the chalkboard along with Lyla.

Kira noticed they were both zoned out as she leaned over.

"It's over the computers are off no more assassins no more murders no one's dying" Kira said. "Not yet" Lyla said.


Derek took Lyla out to eat so Scott could use the loft for his date with Kira. "You remember last night" Derek asked. "Wish I didn't" Lyla said.

"Lyla" Derek tried to say. "No Derek okay we will fight this like always we have before we can do it again okay" Lyla said.

"And if we do, will you go away with me" Derek asked. "What" Lyla said. "You're an adult now you make your own decisions now remember" Derek said.

"You want to get away from Beacon Hills if you survive this" Lyla asked. "Only if you'll go with me" Derek said. Lyla just smiled at him not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to answer now just think about it" Derek said and Lyla nodded.


Scott and Kira went in Derek's loft as Scott closed the door behind him.

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