1. 2. and 3. Drool Me A Swag Out The Door

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Part One, Drool Me A River

Michael Bublé featured title, lol.

That would be some song.



Sorry, Michael. I ruined it.

Oh well.


Anyway, I give you




"Hey Kala." Katie slid into the bus seat next to her best friend, setting her back pack down on the floor by her feet. She peered over to the blonde, face palming when finding Kala doing the one thing she had sworn she'd never do over her dead body.

There she was, Kala Peri, on the bus, early Thursday morning, asleep, while drooling. It wasn't even the inconspicuous kind of drool. There was a wet spot on her shirt, where all the spit was being soaked in. The circle of saliva was as big as a baseball, covering up the spot where the blonde would have to put her hand over her heart for the Pledge of Allegiance. In addition to that, a river of drool was pouring down her chin. It was charming, really.

All Katie could do was crack-up laughing. The sight was very funny to the blue-eyed birthday girl. She thought everything was funny. But this, this was priceless.

The bus bounced along as the newly fourteen year old guffawed a guffaw that made heads turn in her direction. Not that she noticed. She was too busy howling her head off. Each owner of the pair of eyes frowned when spotting the drooling girl next to the laughing idiot, all wondering what planet the two came from and when they'd be returning there.

They weren't very nice.

Finally finding her breath, Katie wiped a tear from her eye with a long sigh. That laugh had been a great way to begin her special Thusday.

"Kala" she chuckled, hoping to wake the girl.

Not responding, Kala only drooled more.

"Kala." Katie snapped her fingers in front of her friend's sleeping figure.

Kala just groaned in her seat, shifting slightly.

Agitated, Katie lightly shook her friend. "Kala!"

But Kala did not show any signs of waking as she let out a loud snore.

"Freaking Sleeping Beauty," mumbled Katie, thinking of ways to wake her friend without causing World War Three. Waking Kala was a death wish, no matter who did it or for whatever reason.

Suddenly, the perfect idea popped into the younger friend's head, lighting the imaginary lightbulb above her head. It must of been a good idea too, since the light from the lightbulb was so bright the bus driver, blinded, nearly rammed into a BMW.

Katie then cleared her throat, confidence building higher and higher every second she thought of her flawless idea.

She said as quiet as a mouse's steps, "Jasper."

"WHAT?" Kala screamed, sitting up in a flash, drool flying in every direction. "WHERE IS HE?"

Katie's laughs roared through the bus as Kala looked around frantically for her prince charming. Every other kid was glaring at the two once again, all wishing they'd just go to high school already. Even the bus driver, who probably shouldn't of since he was a foot away from running over an old lady crossing the street.

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now