Why Did He Have To?

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He was crying. He was actually crying. Tears raining from his eyes, sobs escaping his mouth, choking on air, and everything. He couldn't help it. He couldn't help it.

His friend was dead and he was crying.

They should be alive, not me, he thought, why am I still alive and they aren't?

He had to keep his eyes shut. He didn't want to see their mangled body. Their lifeless, mangled body. Or the blood. God, there was so much blood.

They didn't deserve this. They didn't deserve this.

How could this be? They were such a good person. Never done anything wrong. Never ever ever ever ever ever. Now they were dead.

The word smacked his face. Dead. The person, the mangled body, his friend, he had known for years was dead. He wouldn't hear their voice again. He wouldn't see them coming into Orchestra or laugh with them about a stupid joke. Heck, they would never laugh again because they were dead.

And it was all his fault. The boy with the gun. The boy who made them believe he was on their side. Like he actually cared.

But, he didn't. Because he killed them.

Why did he have to?

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang