10. What Better Day to be a Superhero?

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I give you...




Eli had found a cape in the drama room. In fact, he had found an entire superhero costume. It was an old one from a play from a few years ago, the tight spandex kind. Black sleeves hugged legs and arms with grey designs spiraling around them. Over his torso was a silver vest with a big lightning stripe coming down the middle. Matching his vest, a domino mask covered his eyes and nose, making his bright blue orbs pop from where they proudly scanned the man in the mirror.

Yes. He was in the bathroom, making sure his 'uniform' was on point, and that he actually looked good in it. Opposing to contrary belief, he did look decent in the suit. But we have to remember, he was just a normal, teenage boy who thought he was a superhero. A fake one actually. There was only so much weirdness one could overlook to see his 'handsomeness'.

"Yes," He said, slicking back his blonde hair. His smile was slight, but bright as he positioned the vest so that it wasn't crooked. "I can now save the day."

Eli, or Dr. Fluke to him, took one last glance in the mirror, then left the boys bathroom. He padded down the new wing hallway, away from the old wing, content with the way the world seemed to glow from the windows. Nothing had ever gone wrong for him, or at least that was what he thought.

Eli wasn't really Eli. Not anymore. He believed he had superpowers, which wasn't something he would normally have thought. Definitely not. But, he had hit his head hard. Apparently hard enough for him to receive a new identity. An identity with super strength and laser vision. Something that could only spell DISASTER. (Or in our case ENTERTAINMENT.)

A flashy grin escaped Eli when he saw a red headed man with a zebra rush past him. Of course, with all his knowledge and common sense dumped back at the locker at which he hit his head, the blonde didn't know that the man and zebra were something to be considered strange. He didn't know that the man would end up taking his orchestra teacher hostage in the janitor's closet five minutes after their meeting.

With knowing that, or lacking knowing that, the boy continued down the corridor with a skip in his step.

He felt that the day would bring chaos and destruction. And what better day to be a superhero than this one?


Part Two

Don't Puke THe Rainbow Sprinkled Birthday Cake





While the suspense and plot were beginning to build, the bad guys roamed through the school, and everything was set for doom in the unsuspecting middle school, Katie was sleeping.

Having had knocked heads extremely hard with Eli, Katie couldn't seem to sand on her feet without swaying as if she were on a boat, in the Atlantic Ocean, during a hurricane. The world was covered with a blurred screen, making it impossible for the blonde to know where she was. To her, the ground wasn't staying level, rising and falling in random places. Her senses were dulled, her mind was fuzzy, and she felt like puking her rainbow sprinkled birthday cake that she'd eaten for breakfast.

Despite all that, she had found a nice classroom to lie down in and take a nap. A quiet classroom with a great desk to lie upon. She even used a stack of homework as a pillow. It was quite peaceful.


She wasn't aware that someone else was also in that classroom. Someone sinister and connected to diabolical ties. Someone eating an apple and watching intently.

Someone bad enough to want her dead.

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