17. The Monster Out From Under The Bed

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Another chapter! Yay!

Lol, Drag Me Down by 1D just came on the radio. So haaaapppy! :)

Anyway, here we go with...




Katie jogged down the hallway, her dirty blonde locks flowing behind her speeding figure. Her bright blue eyes scanned the hallway for an escape. From what, she didn't know. All she could do was fear whatever monster was chasing her as her heart pulsed from quick to rapid.

She flew up the stairs as if she were floating above them. She was on the basketball team, they had to marathon the stairs everyday. This accomplishment was no surprise for her.

But the chaser was just as fast, if not, faster, than her. It was right behind her, its nasty breath sharp against the back of her neck. Despite the breaths being warm, Katie shivered, afraid of what would happen if the beast caught her.

On the third floor, she scurried into a classroom at random. It was the seventh grade math teacher's room, Mrs. Campbell's. In there, she slammed the door shut, breathing heavily. Whatever the creature was outside, it was to be feared.

The girl cowered in the corner, visibly shaking. She couldn't be found. She couldn't be caught.


The monster struck the door with immense force, moving the wood from its normal place.


The monster pounced again, this time closer to getting in.

Katie cried, her entire body sunken into the floor in a heap. It would get her. The monster would get her.


The door was almost knocked down. One more hit would end it all.

Her breath caught in her throat-


The door was knocked down. In came the monster. The thing to be feared. The monster that would kill her...


"AH!" Katie yelled, jolting awake.

In the middle of her dream, someone had shaken her shoulder, waking her up. Sweat covered a good portion of her body, thickly sticking to her skin. Her heart rate had increased to the speed of a flying jet at the peak of her nightmare and was now slowly beating back to normal. Her thoughts were scattered as she calmed down.

The monster...

"Hi!" said the voice of the awaker, a cheery tone rising above all other details. "I'm Delilah! I'm eight!"

Still stuck in a haze, Katie's eyes blurred into reality, noticing she was in Mrs. Campbell's math class for real.

She shivered.

That was a coincidence...

But, the monster...

"I like your hair. It's very pretty." 'Delilah' continued, as if she didn't notice the older girl's erratic breathing.

Finally realizing there was a person talking to her, Katie faced 'Delilah'.

'Delilah' did, in fact, look eight. Her bright red hair was in two pigtails on her small head. Freckles dotted her face like the artist who drew her into the picture had a great love for freckles, lots of enthusiasm, and way too many coffees. But her small, rose blush made them twinkle greatly. She wore a luminous, red hood, which bought out her adorable, dimpled smile.

Suddenly, Katie wished she was still stuck in her nightmare. Nothing was worse than a delectable, cute, little girl. Especially one with pigtails and a red hood.

When Katie didn't respond, the girl kept talking.

"I want blonde hair, but Daddy says my hair looks beautiful the way it is." She frowned for a moment, a confused look crossing her face. "But I think that's a load of-"

"How long have I been asleep?" Katie interrupted, not particularly caring about an egoistic girl's dad's opinions. She didn't feel right after her dream. More queasy and uneasy than ever. For whatever reason the little girl was there, she knew was not great. She knew it was suspicious and strange. Like her dream itself.

And that monster...

Besides, she had a pounding headache. Headaches and kids went together like cats and water. Like Fifth Harmony says, 'That's a no-no'.

The girl thought for a moment, her tiny cheeks puffing up. "About... I don't know... awhile?"

Groaning, Katie sat up, her back popping from sleeping on the desk. She needed an accurate answer. She needed to warn the orchestra. Warn them about the monster in her dream.

The scary monster...

"Hey!" The girl snapped, crossing her small arms across her chest. "Don't be upset! I can't read clocks!"

"Very helpful," the blonde mumbled to herself, hopping off the table slowly. She wobbled to the door, having a hard time not running into things because her vision was wonky. Everything was spinning up and down, left and right, and she felt like falling back asleep.

But, the monster...

"Where ya goin'?" questioned Delilah, her anger gone.

"To orchestra."



"Isn't that a whale?"


"Uh, yeah. It is."

"Whatever," the older girl sighed. "I'm going to my music class."

She reached for the doorknob, and tried turning it. But to her disappointment, it didn't budge.

"What the...?" She shook the handle, wanting, forcing, needing it to open. She had to warn her friend's about her dream. About the monster.

"I forgot to mention," Delilah sat on a desk, munching on an apple. "We're locked in here."

That was when the color on Katie's face drained.

The monster... the monster would get her friends... They would be dead before she got out of there.

Unless she got out. Now.

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