49. Hecka Generous

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Hey guys! Imma back!

This is a weird chapter, I'm not going to lie. But eh, it's a chapter anyway.

Btw, the guy in the first part, the limo driver, imagine him with a Jamaican accent. That's what I was going for anyway. 

Anyway, here we go with...




Miss Smith hated the guilty feeling rising in her gut. It was the same feeling she got during tests back in high school, when she knew she didn't study enough and had no idea what the answer to problem one was. It was like her insides were being chewed up by tiny rats and her heart was being chipped away by woodpeckers. She did not like it one bit.

"Hey, what's with da solemn face back der, man? Ya lose ya Starbucks gift card, eh?"

Miss Smith looked away from the window and up at the front of the limo where the driver was watching her through the rear-view mirror.

"Huh?" She said.

The driver chuckled. "Ya face. It's saggin' down, man. Like, far down."

Miss Smith furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay..."

"Why's dat?"


"Why's ya so blue?"

Miss Smith shifted in her seat. "It's complicated."

"Complacated tings can be made less complacated by overlooking da challenges."


He laughed loudly. "Change ya sight on tings. Dey may change ya life."

Miss Smith frowned, thinking that over. Could all of her problems really be solved if she thought of them at a different angle?

Well she had to start with RedHead101. For a long time, she's talk to him, unraveling herself throughout every word. The more they talked, the more she cared for him. And boy, she did care for him. He was the first guy she's ever felt like she was in love with. They hadn't known each other for very long, true, but she was certain this feeling was real. Even if they had met on Date A Hottie and she had first seen him in person that day when he tied her up in the janitor's closet.

But was he really trustworthy? He was working for the guy who killed her students. That didn't seem like a steady, safe job.

Which reminded her of something. She had first started talking to the zookeeper six months ago, around the same time Mr. Ford's company became partners in education with Jeff, the same man that employed the zookeeper. That couldn't be a coincidence. Could it?

Miss Smith sprang up in realization. "Turn this limo around!"

What was she doing? RedHead101 was not her friend or boyfriend or anything. He was nothing but a distraction. Who really mattered to her, who genuinely cared about her and who she cared about just as much, was her students. Cat, Josie, Katrina, Kala, Ali, Tannin, Eric, Zach, Kai, Jina, Key, Joseph, Sam, Lely, Isabel, Sarah, Katie, and everyone else in between. They were behind she should be fighting with, fighting for, not some sketchy guy that just happened to steal her heart. They were who she needed to look after (especially because it was also in her job description). They needed her.

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