42. Seven | Poop

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Zach's head couldn't wrap around the corse of the events that had taken place in the past thirty minutes. It was all too crazy, too odd, too complex for him.

So he did what he does best. Sumerization.

1. Kai turned out to be the bad guy along with his father

2. Kai's dad told him to kill Eric

3. Kai was about to kill Eric when...

4. When he didn't.

5. Instead of killing Eric, Kai had turned the gun around, pressed it to his own forehead, squeezed his eyes shut, and fired.

6. In other words, Kai had killed himself.

Now Zach was staring at the bloody mess that was Kai's limp body in utter horror.

At first when Mr. Ford had told Kai to kill them, Zach thought he would do it. Kai did everything his father told him to. Chores, activities, clubs. Kai was a robot when it came to taking orders from his dad. There was no doubt in Zach's mind that he'd actually kill Eric.

But, he didn't.

Instead, he made the ultimate sacrifice and committed suicide, saving his best friend.


"You're an idiot," Zach mumble to the dead body, tears raining from his eyes like mini typhoons. "We're still going to die, even though you're dead." The blonde shook his head. "You killed yourself for nothing."

He turned away from the body, the sorrow becoming too much for him to face. Kai had always had his back. Ever since second grade when Zach moved into town, Eric and Kai had taken care of him, showing him around the school and inviting him to all their play dates. When Zach broke his arm in the fourth grade, both Eric and Kai had helped him carry his books and make his lunch in the cafeteria. And when Zach's ex-girlfriend had cheated on him, Kai was the one who broke the news to him, offered his shoulder for him to cry on, and helped him get up from, a nasty fall. Kai was always there for Zach, no matter what.

Now he would never be anywhere again.

The unruly amount of blood from Kai's skull was beginning to soak into Zach's shoes. He knew his socks would be a dark red in a minute's time.

His blue were eyes clouded over with hurt. One of his best friends had killed himself so that his friends could live, so that Zach could live. Zach always knew Kai was kind, that he would do anything for his friends. But what he did was not kind. Not at all.

It was awful.

Because now he was dead and he had died for nothing. His father would kick his body, roll his eyes in how much of an inconvenience it was, and kill his best friends like it was nothing. Like he was nothing.

What Kai had done wasn't kind. It was evil, stupid, and horrible. Foul, foolish, and abhorrent. Diabolical, dense, and terrifying. Zach hated, loathed, abhored Kai for doing what he did. Kai was the biggest idiot in the world. The dumbest, slowest, and dimest. What he had done was unforgivable, one hundred percent unwarranted, and plainly the most irrational act any idiot could have ever done. Zach couldn't stand Kai for doing what he did, because not only was it so senseless, but it made him want to cry for years and years and years. He wanted to cry until he wasn't able to cry anymore, until all the lakes and oceans dried up and the world became a complete wasteland, after heaven came burning down, and the sun burned out. He wanted to cry for centuries and centuries, not stopping even when humans die out and the sun blows up and the world flattens. He wanted to cry and cry and cry for eternity long and never stop. Because what Kai had done was something the boy would regret (if he could feel regret wherever he ended up). Because what Kai had done was humanly the stupidest and most cowardly thing a man could do at this day and age.

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