62. And They Said He Wasn't Real

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Not the best chapter in the world but yolo

Here we go with




Ali was dead.

Josie was crying.

And Eve was struggling against the ropes.

Mr. Ford had kidnapped them and pulled them back to the parking lot to watch the whole school crumble to rubble. They knew everyone inside had died. Students, teachers, and all the red shirted men. No one could have survived that.

Since all of his workers were dead, Mr. Ford, all by himself, grabbed the girls and threw them into the truck, getting rope out to tie then down.

He tied Josie down with ease, she was too shocked his was happening to even consider fighting.

Eve, however, fought for her life. It was her job to save those kids out there. To save Eric and Kala and Cat and Tannin and Adam and... and no one else. They were all that were left.  Four Jeff kids and a French spy. That was it.

In the end, after all of her kicking and screaming, Mr. Ford wrapped his hands around Eve's throat and squeezed until her entire face was purple. Only then did he let go. He tied her as she coughed and sputtered, laughing to himself for his job well done.

He had turned to tie Ali and found her trying to untie Josie. Furious, the man took out his gun and BAM! She was as dead as Jina and Sam and Lely and Key and and Sarah Joseph and Kai and Jasper and Fireball and as anyone else shot the through the head with a gun.

He smirked at the blood pouring from the whole in Ali's dead head, cackling as he tossed the body out on the road.

Then, he slammed the back of the semi-truck door shut, leaving Josie and Eve in pitch black.

That was when Josie began crying and Eve started trying to escape.

"Hey, blondie," Eve said. "Stop crying and try to break free."

Josie looked up, sniffling. "How can I stop crying when- when that evil man is..." She looked lost for a second, took in a deep breath, and said, "is ruining our lives? Ruining and ending. Ending and ruining..."

"Hey!" Eve shouted. "Focus, blondie. I'm responsible for your friends' lives." She paused. "The ones who are left, at least." She shook her head and continued. "And if I'm going to protect those people, I can't be tied up in the back of a truck with a stack of useless gold. I have to be out there. So please get your head together and help me get out of here. Not just for your benefit or mine, but for your friends' too."

Josie slowly nodded. "What do I do?" She asked.

Eve shrugged. "Whatever it is you can do to escape."

So forced back her tears and tried to wiggle out of the ropes, not succeeding.

"This is hopeless," Josie sighed.

"Nothing is hopeless if you believe!" A voice rang from inside the truck.

Eve's eyes grew to the size of cantaloupes. "Who's there?"

A person stepped out from behind a pile of gold. "I'm-"

"SAM WINCHESTER!" Josie screeched.

Now it was his eyes that widened. "You know me?"

Josie nodded over eagerly. "I LOVE YOU!"

"Umm..." The burnet man, Sam Winchester, said, taking a step back from the girl. "T-That's cool..."

"Can you untie us?" Eve asked. "We kind of need to go save our friends..."

"Uh..." Sam Winchester glanced over at Josie's fangirling body with hesitation. "S-Sure."

He tip-toed over to not cause anymore mania from Josie, carefully untying Eve.

"How'd you find us?" The Australian asked.

"He's Sam Winchester!" Josie exclaimed. "He can do anything."

Eve groaned. She wasn't going to make friends with this Sam Winchester guy if Josie kept fangirling or whatever the heck was causing her to hyperventilate, sob uncontrollably, and smile creepily wide all at the same time.

"Could you untie us?" Eve asked the man, giving Josie a 'if you speak again I will shave all your hair off with a toothbrush' look.

Sam Winchester gave a sideways glance over toward Josie. "Sure..."

He untied Eve and Josie, eyes widening when Josie tackled him into a hug.

"And they said you weren't real!" Josie exclaimed, nearly chocking the man.

"Help me," he squeaked.

Eve rolled her eyes. People were so weird. She was about to stand up when the semi truck suddenly swerved to the right, throwing her across the truck and into the opposite wall.

"Moron," Eve muttered, sticking her middle finger up to where Mr. Ford would be sitting.

"So how do we get out of here?" Sam Winchester asked, trying to pry Josie from his neck.

"No clue," Eve said, pulling down on the lever on the door, scowling when it wouldn't budge. "Stupid semi-truck door."

Suddenly, there was a new sound echoing outside the truck.


People were screaming like knifes were going into chests. Like people were dying.

Josie fell off Sam Winchester in fear.

"We need to get out of here," Eve said.

More screaming.

Sam Winchester paced over to the door. "Maybe we can-"

He was cut off by the most horrifying screech of all. A loud, ground shaking, horror movie perfection, screech that echoed through their heads and rattled their skulls.

Then, there was laughter. Me. Ford's laughter.

The three knew what happened.

And they were scared.

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant