51. Take No Chances

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Another chapter!



But... um... Maybe get the tissues out?





Harry was going insane.

He had attacked Eric.


Eric was literally the least threatening guy Harry had ever known. He was the kind of guy who was always up for a laugh and never put anyone hurting down. He kept his promises and was as loyal as a puppy.

So why did Harry attack him?

He didn't know. Harry didn't know why. He was confused and his hands were shaking and his brows was sweating and he was jealous. Jealous of Adam. So he lashed out. Because he was jealous.

Harry began pacing the orchestra room. James and Jett were nowhere in sight. It was just him. Only him.

And he was jealous of Adam. Because Adam could kiss Cat. Because Cat wanted to kiss Adam.

So it was all her fault.



It was his fault.

It was Adam's fault that he had attacked Eric. Harry would never purposely hurt Eric.

But Adam.

Adam told him to.

Adam and his stupid face with his big mouth used his stupid French to tell Harry to attack Eric. So Harry did. Harry attacked Eric because  Adam told him to.

See. It was all his fault.

Not Harry's.

Not Harry's.

"They'll believe me," Harry told himself. "It was his fault. Him, not me. I didn't want to kill Eric. No. He did."

Harry needed to sit.


He needed to relax. He had nothing to worry about. Dr. Caine was dead. Jasper and Fireball had run away. Eli was distracting Mr. Ford. They're was nothing for him to do. He had done everything he could. And soon, it would all be over.

"I did good," he said. "I did good."

Then, the door opened.

Zach limped in, shutting the door firmly behind him. He looked like a zombie as he came closer toward Harry, dragging his wounded leg behind him, which left a trail of blood on the carpet. His blonde hair was disheveled and his blue eyes looked dead and hungry, like he had been to hell and back.

But the most alarming thing about him was his arms. They were outstretched and shaking. And so were his hands, which were clamped around a small, black gun. And it was pointed at Harry.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the boy. "Did he give you that?"

"Who?" Zach asked, sounding sincerely confused. But he couldn't have been, Harry thought, he knew Zach had gotten the gun from him.

"Adam," Hardy elaborated. "Did Adam give you the gun?"

Zach shook his head. "It was under the bench in the girl's locker room."

Harry was shocked. He could recal earlier that day, when he had watched Jina get murdered in the girl's locker room. He could have prevented it, if he hadn't lost his gun merely seconds before.

Harry didn't say anything.

Zach limped forward. "Put your hands up."

Harry ignored him. "You're not going to kill me, are you?"

"Don't act like you're the victim, Harry, or whatever the hell your name is! You were trying to kill Eric out there!" The blonde yelled, drawing closer.

Harry stepped back. "But I didn't kill him."

Zach clicked the safety into place. "Fireball is a dirty traitor who tried to kill us, Jasper is wherever the heck he is, and Kai is dead. Eric is my last best friend and I'm not taking any chances. Especially on a guy who almost killed him."

"But I thought I was your best friend," Harry sniffled, taking another step back. He hit a cabinet hard, and realized he was cornered. What alt between him and escape was an emotionally crippled boy and a loaded gun. Two things that lead to bad endings for guys like Harry.

"You're a lot of things, Harry. An idiot. A spy. A killer. But you are not my best friend." Zach was dead serious. He kept his eyes locked on Harry's as he stopped five feet in front of him, keeping the gun angled at Harry's forehead. He too deep breath in and then added, "Not after that stunt in the hallway."

Harry gulped. "Please don't, Zach. You're not a killer."

"True," Zach said. "But I will be after this."

Harry shook his head. "You don't understand. It takes guts to kill someone. Real guts. And I don't think you have what it takes." He shifted uncomfortably. "And once you pull the trigger, you can never go back."

Zach widened his stance. "I'm going to do this and you can't stop me." He put his pointer finger on the trigger. "Bye, Harry."

The other boy's eyes widened. "Katrina watch out-"


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