37. LeCat And The Evil Australian

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Hey so I'm updating!


Its kind of bad...

But i felt like you guys wanted something.



Btw, LeCat is LeNom and Cat's ship name.

And just a warning, I don't know French and I have no idea if any of the French in here is right.


So here we go with...




Cat stared at the mysterious girl for a long time.

The girl, who Cat could see was wearing dark clothing like LeNom and dark eye shadow that was flawlessly done (which Cat decided to hate the second she caught sight of it) and brought out her green eyes (which Cat also decided were too pretty and despised them). The girl's hair was tucked into a dark grey beanie, one that Cat found cute but would never admit it. Cat had never seen this girl before and she was very confused as to why she was there. Did she have something to do with LeNom's sudden disappearance?

"Uhhh..." Catie cleared her throat. "Who are you?"

The girl scoffed. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Cat nodded. "I would, actually."

Scoffing again, the girl leaned onto a set of lockers. From her pocket, she pulled out a single stick of gum, unwrapped it, and delicately shoved it into her mouth.

"Well," the girl said after a bit of smacking the pink gum. "I first wanna know who you are. Then I may, may, tell you about me."

Cat narrowed her eyes. "What makes you think I trust you?"

Cat had noticed something about the girl when she spoke. She had an accent, an Australian one. What would an Australian girl be doing in an American middle school? And a French guy too? Well LeNom wasn't as rude as this Australian was so he was fine.

He was fiiiiiine.

The Australian girl tipped her head sideways. "Neo was right. You are sassy."

"Neo?" Cat furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's that?"

The other girl only chucked. "You'll figure that out soon enough, Cat."

"How do you-"

But before Cat could finish her question, LeNom's head poked out of the trap door.

"Est-ce que tu viens?" He asked in the deep voice Cat melted into.

"Bien sûr," the other girl answered, surprising Cat. Apparently, the Australian knew French.

She then turned to Cat. "Let's go."

She jumped into the opening, disappearing into the gap. What was left of her was a horrible memory, a gun wrapper, and a bad taste in Cat's mouth.

Cat could have escaped her then. She could have dashed out of the boy's locker room and back to the orchestra room in no time. She didn't know that Harry hadn't been lying when he said to stay put. She didn't know bad people were roaming the hallways, tying-off all the loose ends. She didn't know that her friends were dead and that more would die.

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make Itحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن