19. Oh Mac and Cheese

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Hey! Looks who's back!

I'm sorry about the last chapter, lol not really. I just had to!

Anyway, I'm trying to update as much as I can this week because next week school starts and with school and golf and homework I'm not sure how much writing time I'll get. But I'll try my best!

Anyway, I give you...




Jina's brain was on high alert as she weaved through the zombie people. All the terrible, horrible scenarios ran through her head, showing her how bad the idiotic choice she had made was. Mini-scenes of descriptive death of her and her friends filled the most of them. Though, she wouldn't die. Or would she?

In order to keep her mind and jittery heart at ease, she shook those terrors out of her head, pressing forward with a determined expression.

She was very close to the suited men now, only twenty or so people in between. Though this distance was safe for her to be hidden, she could still not hear what they were saying. And that was the point of risking being caught, to listen in.

Moving in front of her math teacher, Mr. Shredder, and a few other irrelevant people, she blended into the zombie crowd easily, able to hear the two men's conversation.

"Yes, that is a problem," the unfamiliar man nodded, coming upon a door. "But we can deal with that."

Jina noticed the other man gulped. Their conversation ended there.


The door they had found was inside the girls' locker room. It was rumored to hold supplies. Like basketballs and extra shoes. Though, that petty excuse could not make up for the padlock centered on the front. But, whatever really.

The man Jina knew brought out a rack of keys, shakily handing it to the other man. It was then did she realize that the other man was the boss of this operation, taking lead all of the time. Which made sense, since the other guy was not a great leader, despite his job position.

Curious, Jina got closer to the two, watching in awe as they unlocked the always locked door. Were they supposed to be in there? Who knew? But it wasn't like there was anyone left to stop them.

If only superheroes were real, Jina thought, then we could all be saved.

The suited men then pulled the big door open, revealing a candle lit tunnel. The walls were dirt and the floor was stone, neither materials of the modern day walkways. The tunnel itself was as wide enough to fit ten people sideways and high enough for Shack to comfortably walk through.

So much for basketballs.

Filling into the dim, yet big, corridor, Jina found out that there were more stairs, leading deeper into the earth. They were very steep from the looks of it. And old. Would they crumble and collapse under the pressure of the entire student and staff body? What would happen then?

Jina did not like this. She did not like this one bit. It was too strange, too surreal. Where were they going? What were they doing? Would they ever come back up again?

And why exactly? What could be down there?
Swallowing her fears down her dry throat, Jina tip-toed down the stairs, following the crowd.

There was no turning back now.

Each stair Jina stepped down made her heart drop lower and lower into her chest. The dreading feeling of adrenaline kicked in. What if they got locked down there? What if the ceiling collapsed and they all died? What if... what if... The pressure of everything was building in Jina's chest. Soon, it would burst.

The floor began to even out and Jina realized they had reached the opening to a room. When she caught sight of this room, she gasped.

The room was spacious, going thirty feet high and as wide as a football field. Lightened by more candles, it took an eerie glow as its welcoming look, shadows drawn almost everywhere. It looked quite scary and vast. Much like a horror movie.

But what freaked Jina out the most was that is was made completely out of gold. Solid gold. Real solid gold.

That was why they wanted to come down here. To get the gold.

Well, at least something makes sense. But how does this ginormous room fit under tiny Jefferson Middle School? And what was the gold doing there anyway?

"Alright, freaky people," the boss climbed onto a stage that was set up in the middle of the room, something Jina overlooked over the shiny walls. "Start mining. Everyone gets at least fifty pounds of gold or your-" he ran a finger across his neck, "-dead."

Jina gulped.

"Good luck!" The man cheered, waving them off to do their gold mining.

This is crazy! I'm mining gold for a man who I have trusted for my whole life time at Jeff Middle School! A man who is willing to kill those he's worked with! That's insane!

Frowning, Jina watched as all the zombies set to work, knowing exactly what to do. How they knew how to mine, Jina didn't know. But she realized she had to learn, and fast. Otherwise, *gulp* she'll be *runs finger across neck* dead.

Following one other kid's lead, she picked up an axe type thing from a pile and hobbled over to the gold wall. She grunted as she walked, having a hard time carrying the heavy tool. How did the little sixth graders do it? She didn't know.

Reaching the wall, she noted how the other kid threw the tool over his shoulder, swinging it back to the wall with a THUD! He continued to do this process in a loop, his cycle never ending.

Copying him, Jina found that her little arms were no match for the axe, them already searing with pain on the first attack to the wall. Each part of her arm was on fire, practically bleeding from the weight of the monstrous axe.

Whip back.

Her muscles tightened.


A small piece of the gold fell.

Whip back.

She squeaked.


Sweat beat down her back.

Whip back.

She nearly toppled backwards on that one, a small scream letting loose. "Drats!"

Luckily, looking around, with all the thudding, she thought no one heard her embarrassing and cover-bowing cry.

She turned back to her wall, attempting to mine once again. She didn't work for very long though, because a giant hand grabbed her and drug her away from the scene and towards the stage, where the man who threatened to kill was waiting for her.

Oh mac and cheese.

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