54. Hope

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Hey! This isn't my best writing but I wanted to update! I hope you like it!

This part takes place before chapter 50, just a heads up.



(READ IT^^^)

Sorry for shouting, lol.

Anyway, here is...




Jasper and Fireball watched as the way-too-energetic girl, a woman-who-looked-a-lot-like-Adele, and some guy who's wearing very very tight, elastic pants, get into a car and drive off.

"Why was that kid dressed like Superman, but in black and one hundred times less cool?" Fireball asked.

Jasper shrugged. "White people are too weird to explain."

Fireball laughed and the two walked around the corner.

"We's gonna be so rich!" Fireball yelled, skipping up to the semi-truck. All he ever wanted in life was to be rich. That was it. And now, now his dream would come true.

Jasper chuckled, jogging behind him. "And Mr. Ford don't know what's coming to 'em."

"We can't kill 'em, ya know," Fireball said. "I ain't taking that risk." He didn't want to risk not getting the money.

"Damn straight you're not, I wouldn't let you so something stupid like that." Jasper tried to open the door to the truck, frowning when it wouldn't budge. "On second thought, we may have to."

"It's locked, ain't it?" Fireball tried the other door, scowling. "Son of a-"

"Looking for these?" A voice called out along with the jingles of keys, then laughed a stereotypical, diabolical laugh.

Fireball whipped his gun out, looking for the person. "Where are ya? Better yet, who are ya? And who've ya got the keys?"

More laughter erupted, bouncing off the walls in endless echoes. "You two have been naughty, naughty boys."

"What are ya? Santa Claus?" Fireball shouted, getting angry. He was ansy to pull the trigger, to shoot the person keeping him from being rich. Nothing would get in his way when it came to money. Nothing. "Show yaself," he smriked. "Unless ya scared."

From the shadows, the person grinned, aiming their gun. "Oh I'm scared alright. Scared that I'll go to hell for this."

"For wha-"


Fireball dropped dead.

He didn't make it.

Jasper spun around, searching for the killer with his arms outstretched and gun tight in his grasp. This person was serious, he knew. But who they were and what they wanted, he didn't know.

And that scared him.

"Come out, come out wherever you're hiding, you sick-"


Jasper died instantly.

He didn't make it.

The shooter chackled, carefully pacing over to the dead bodies to inspect their handiwork.

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now