5. Share Those Earplugs!

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Another update! Whoop! Whoop!

Picture of earplugs to the side

Lol, they look like carrots

And a video of a bad bagpipe player, quite like what happens in this chapter

Anyway, I give you...




"This is the boringest assembly ever," Tannin whispered to Ali and Jina, not taking her eyes off the Scotsman jigging around the stage.

The three, unlike the people in the orchestra room, had heard the announcement the principal had made. They had listened to the explicit instructions about the assembly the whole school was forced to attend that morning. Now they sat there watching the assembly, confused and bored, wondering what a guy in a skirt playing bagpipes had to do with cellphone policies.

"Boringest isn't a word," Ali pointed out as the bagpipes screeched an awful note.

They both flinched at the atrocious sound, curious as to how much longer this not-so-good performance would go on. It had already been seven minutes, how much more time did a Scottish musician need for a performance in an American assembly about phone restrictions? Hopefully, not a lot.

Tannin groaned, covering her ears, though she could still hear every terrible note played. "Do I even care? No, because I'm bored and that thing is annoying."

It was true though. The guy either couldn't play the bagpipes correctly or was doing a spot on job as the horns bellowed loudly through the auditorium. Their sounds were mixed between a cat giving birth and a blender throwing up fire alarms. It was awfully torturoua to the young girls.

"Me too," Ali flinched as another beastly note rang though the large room. "What about you Jina?" She nudged the shorter girl with her elbow.

Jina, who had been bobbing up and down to the nails on chalkboard music, felt the pat, and turned to her friends. "What?" She asked.

Ali said, "Are you-"

"Hold on," Jina interrupted. She then removed an earplug from her ear, like it was completely normal for her to have earplugs in. "Yes?"

"What! You had earplugs this whole time!" Tannin whisper-shouted, exasperated. What kind of friend was she to sit next to her friends as they were tortured to death?

Jina nodded, not knowing why her friends cared. "Yeah so?"

"Share!" Ali through out the verb, Tannin nodding along angrily.

The two were upset, their faces furrowed in an unforgiving manner. How could Jina not share her earplugs with them? That was just mean and cold.

"Hey!" Mr Shredder, the girls' math teacher called from the aisle. "Stop talking during the performance!"

The trio of girls nodded as he walked away to go yell at some boys who were throwing doughnuts unto the air.

When he was gone, Tannin glared at Jina. "You should share those earplugs."

"Why?" Jina asked, serious as to why they would need earplugs.

Tannin frowned. "Haven't you heard the music?"

"Yeah," Jina nodded, very confused now. "These earplugs can't block out that loud of a sound."

"Then why do you have earplugs?" Ali deadpanned, throwing up her arms.

"Oh," Jina smiled. "These are so I don't have to listen to you two."

Tannin and Ali made offended faces as Jina happily put her earplug back in, nodding along to the music once again. She actually enjoyed the music, which was different to everyone else in a miles' radius.

"How rude," Ali scoffed, crossing her arms with a hmf.

Tannin copied Ali, while saying, "I wouldn't be upset if she fell in a shark tank when we go to the zoo next week."

Ali agreed, both of them frowning as the Scotsman jumped up, showing the crowd his hearted boxers.

The three girls had no idea as to what was coming for them later that day.

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