28. Betrayal and Forbidden Love

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Sorry for the long wait and all, I didn't know high school would be this hectic and crazy.



So here's a new chapter (that's long overdue).

Enjoy it with...




Jasper lead Kala out of the orchestra room, to the art room, their hands intertwined.

Kala could barely breathe.

Jasper was too busy checking to see if the coast was clear to think about the gesture.

He shut the door behind them.

Kala's world shrunk to the hot boy before her.

Jasper's world couldn't get any bigger.

He pulled his hand away to scratch the back of his neck.

Kala missed his warm touch.

Jasper's neck really itched.

"Listen, Kala."

She couldn't believe he said her name.

He almost forgot her name.

"There's something I gotta tell you..."

Kala wanted him to say he liked her.

Jasper wanted a cheeseburger.

"I know you like me and all..."

Kala couldn't believe he figured it out.

Jasper couldn't believe she thought he was so stupid.

"But, the thing is..."


If she cries, I'm outta here.

"I don't like you like that."

Kala's heart shattered.

Jasper couldn't feel a thing.

"And I'm never going to like you like that because you're not good enough, for me at least."

Kala would've slapped him, if she could feel her arms.

Jasper yawned.

"So I think we should just stop hanging out-"

Jasper was cut off when a scream erupted in the hallway.

Kala barely heard it.

Jasper decided it was time to leave. He knew things would get hectic here on out.

He gave her a 'sorry, not sorry' look before he dashed out of the room.

Kala watched him turn right towards the exit sign.

Jasper didn't look back.

Suddenly, it dawned on Kala that she could have been wrong, that Jasper could really be a bad guy. That he had been messing with her in the orchestra room, telling her that she's pretty when really, he was just bored. Katie, Josie, and Katrina had been telling her this for weeks, that Jasper wasn't anything but trouble. Kala never believed them until now, when Jasper ran away from the screams and saved himself, not really caring for Kala at all. Not really caring for anyone besides himself.

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz