38. You Should Have Listened to Oprah

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  Hi guys!

So this chapter was supposed to be longer but I cut it off because I felt this ending would be better. But, all the information that would have been in this chapter will be in the next (which will hopefully come sometime this week). 

Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Last time with the tied up gang.


"Group, say hello to my son and your future killer, Kai."


Now present with




No one could believe it. No one could believe Kai was the bad guy.

It was just too weird. Kai was so nice and caring and sensible and amazing, everything that a bad guy wasn't. He had always been pinned as perfection itself. There was nothing about him that gave off a traitor vibe. Heck, he didn't even cheat in Go-Fish. He was that good of a guy.

But now everyone could see clearly. Everyone knew he wasn't what they thought he was.

What was he exactly? It was hard to tell. Was he a killer? A criminal? A thief? Was he like his father? Or was he just plain old Kai who was associated with a monster? He wouldn't really kill anyone, would he?

Josie was the first to speak.

"Kai, is this true?" The blonde asked in a quiet whisper, afraid of the truth.

The boy couldn't met their eyes as his fingers fiddled with the long sleeves of his shirt. He hated lying, but he hated letting down the people he cared about even more. But did he care about them, his supposeable friends?

The 'Boss', Mr. Ford, Kai's dad, barked a bellowing laugh. "Of course it's true, silly girl!" He put his large arm around his son's shoulders, pulling the boy towards him. "He's just like his father, aren't you Kai?"

Kai weakly nodded."Yes sir."

Eric looked between Kai and his father. The physical resemblance between the two was so great. They both were tall, had broad shoulders and great curly hair. Their eyes were vast and cavernous, containing emotions not even the gods could depict. But Eric didn't want to think about how similar they were behind the trigger. He didn't want to think of his best friend as a killer.

Would Kai put the bullet in their skulls? Would Kai slaughter his friends?

Eric really did not know.

"Now," Mr. Ford grinned. "Now is time for my boy to prove himself, to show everyone he's a Satan of an angel everyone thinks he is." The man winked at the group before quickly pacing off to go do whatever antagonists do.

Zach and Eric were both rendered speechless. Neither could comprehend how Kai was the bad guy and that he was betraying them. Them. The only loyal, vest, honest, trustworthy, and brotherly friends he'd ever had. They couldn't believe their friend was stabbing them in the back. Especially since that friend was Kai, the most trustworthy guy in the world.

Or so they thought.

When Mr. Ford left, Miss Smith took this freedom as an opportunity to talk some sense into Kai.

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