20. Or Nah

31 4 2

Hey! Hey!

Here we go!

Right now!

Whoop! Whoop!

I give you...




"I can't believe you set the fire alarm off," Jett scolded his friend, jumping up to grab the flying parrot but missing by a mile.

"That was you, you dumbo!" James retorted from his position standing on the fallen fridge with a fly swatter, swinging it about. "Come 'ere buddy! I bet polly wants a cracker? Polly want a cracker?"

"Polly want a cracker!" the bird chortled, diving down to grab a dropped baby carrot.

"I did no such thing!" Jett scoffed, running towards the carrot-eating bird, but tripped over his own feet and fell on the tiled floor. He then proceeded to freaking apologize to it. He was apologizing to the floor.

Like wow.

Rolling his eyes, James argued. "Uh yeah, you did!"

"Nu-uh!" Jett pouted.




"Nu-uh you butt face!"

"Yeah-huh you ugly toad!"

"Nerd jerk!"

"Booger boob!"


"Hey! I'm not short!"

"Yeah, you are!"

The two continued arguing, getting in each other's faces, not stopping until they heard a knock on the door.

"Oh crap," James whispered, both boys staring eyes wide at the mess they had made. The broken fridge, trashed couch, food smears on the walls, bird poop... okay, the bird poop wasn't their fault, but it was crap on their behalf.

"That's it," Jett mumbled. "We're dead."

The door slowly opened, creaking slightly.

"See you in hell, my brother," Jett high-fived his friend.

James slapped the taller boy's back. "Not unless I blame all of this on you, turd eater."

Jett narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't dare, leprechaun."

"Oh, I would."

Before Jett could clobber his friend, a man stepped into the Teacher's Lounge. A red headed zookeeper to be exact.

"Hey kids," he went, quickly tugging a leashed animal into the room. A zebra to be exact. "Can you guys leave?" He looked panicked, the way he did everything hastily and kept looking back out the open door nervously. Like he was running from someone. Or better yet, waiting for someone.

He also was carrying a bright pink tutu, which was totally whack to the boys.

Jett turned to James with a 'wth?' looked, to which James only shrugged to.

"What's in it for us?" Jett crossed his arms, unmoving.

Then, Marley, the parrot, flew out the opened door.

"Marley!" James cried, throwing up his hands and chasing after the bird. "Come back you twerp! Or tweep! Lol, I made a pun!"

The zookeeper raised his eyebrow. "Did he just say lol, like not L-O-L but the word lol?"

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now