15. Happy Bird-Day!

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Picture of Marley above

Isn't he peck-fect?

Lol, no?

Anyway, for the first time ever, I give you...




James and Jett weren't the brightest fifth graders in the world. Certainly they weren't the dumbest. Just not very smart.

Generally speaking.

That fact was confirmed that day, when the two boys skipped school to throw a surprise party for Katie, James' older sister. As mentioned before, it was her birthday, and the boys were ready to throw the best birthday bash ever. Which meant they had to do it at her school, so all her friends would be there no matter what.

The two troublemakers had dropped off all the supplies they would need the day before, when they were forced to attend the school play, even though they wouldn't be in that school until the next year as sixth graders. They didn't know why they had to go, but it worked out anyway.

The dumb part came in when the boys decided to hide their decorations on top of the fridge in the Teacher's Lounge. How they got them up there, who knew? But getting them back down... Well... that's where their trouble began.

"James, why did you think it would be a good idea to put the stuff way up there?" Jett put his hands on hips, huffing loudly.

The brunet and blonde stood in front of the monstrosity of the nine foot fridge, its blank whiteness glaring back at their (barely) five foot statues. Neither of them could remember how they got the decorations on top of the fridge, which was why they took their precious little time blaming each other for the problem they now faced: how would they get their supplies down from there?

Rolling his eye, the shorter boy scoffed. "My idea? I recall you squealing like a little girl after you thought of the 'most perfect, perfect place to hide Katie 's birthday presents'." He imitated a nasally voice when impersonating his friend, making himself chuckle a bit afterwards.

Jett smacked his friend. "I did not sound like that!"

The other boy narrowed his eyes while rubbing his now red arm.

"Okay," agreed Jett with a sigh, "I might of, but I did not say that!"

"Uhhh... yeah. You did."

"Fine. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Because the 'birthday junk' is still stuck up there and it won't be coming down any soon."

"Yeah," added James. "They won't turn down for nothing."

Glaring at him, Jett wondered if all this was even worth it. They were fifth graders, skipping school. That was scary. What would they do in high school, have jobs as lawyers? Their teen years would be a big disappointment since they were rebelling and breaking rules in elementary school.

Silence wrapped the thick air up in a burrito as the boys thought about possible solutions for solving the issue at hand. Some involving an elephant, a really, really tall clown, and possibly girls. Hot girls.

"How about you climb up the fridge," James suggested when the idea popped into his head.

"Climb?" asked Jett, who was very confused. "Like up the handles?"

He nodded, making Jett survey the plan. Sure, it would work. But, would they break something?

"Fine," the brunet agreed after a ten second, noiseless cloud passed. "But only if you do it."

James shrugged, figuring if he could swing on the monkey bars, he could climb the fridge.


The blonde then began climbing up the handles of the ginormous fridge, possibly getting mud all over the used to be spotless appliance. His strong, yet tiny muscles were putting all their effort into the action of holding his weight, being quite successful.

"You got this," whispered Jett, his encouragement too quiet for James to hear over his heavy breathing.

Then, as if James's weight got a million times heavier or a gust of wind as great as a pod of blue whales blew into the room, the fridge tipped over, falling to crush the boys.

"James!" Jett screeched, grabbing the boy and pulling him out of the way of being crushed and killed.


The fridge crashed to the floor, spilling its contents all over the floor as if it were creating a school dump in the room. Their decorations lay scattered around the room, glitter covering every object near.

The two boys stared at the mess, both showing guilty faces. They were going to be in so much trouble.

"Well," Jett scratched the back of his head. "It could be worse."

Then, out of the rubble, a parrot flew.

"Marley!" James shouted, chasing after the bird.

The red parrot squawked as it landed on the plush couch, beginning to tare the cushions up with its sharp, orange talons.

Soaring over to the couch, the blonde scolded the creature. "Bad bird. Bad bird, Marley."

"What the heck?" Jett cried, very confused. "You got Katie a bird for her present?"

When James jumped to the couch, missing the bird by a small fraction of a foot, he responded with, "Well I wanted Katie to have a happy bird-day."

"Oh my go- you've got to be kidding me," Jett mumbled, rubbing his temple to sooth his growing headache.

James frowned from his sprawled out position. "No, I'm not kidding you. I really want Katie to have a happy bir-"

"Don't say it again," Jett snapped. "It was bad enough the first time." He sighed. "Just get the bird."

"Happy bird-day!" The bird chirped as it flew from the couch to the counter, knocking down a pot of petunias in the process.

"And the ugly thing talks too," Jett shook his head as he continued to rub his temple. "How fantastic."

"I don't thinks it's ugly, it's beak-aful!"

"It's beak-aful!" The bird echoed.

Jett squeezed his hands into fists. "I'm surrounded by idiots!"

"Idiots!" The bird called, ripping open a package of Twizlers.

"Get 'em!" James yelled, jumping for the feathered creature. "He's got my Twizlers!"

As the two chased after the parrot, they knocked into objects, causing mass destruction in the room. The couch cushions were overturned, food was covering the walls and ceiling, and a strange goo was leaking from the cabinet. But the worst thing they managed to do was set off the fire alarm.

They had no idea what they started.

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