64. The Avenger

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 Eli had run into a telephone pole, got electrocuted, and was now fully aware he wasn't a superhero. He realized he was not Dr. Fluke and was not invited to Spiderman's birthday party. He remembered he had gotten his powers from glowing sweet tea and that everyone in the school was a classmate of his.

 Well, not anymore.

 As he flew (he couldn't believe he could actually fly) (EW A BUG WENT INTO HIS MOUTH) closer to the school, he furrowed his caterpillar eyebrows together. Where was the school? '

 Where Jeff had once stood, there was now just a bunch of loose bricks, rubble, and a few fires here and there. It was like a bomb had gone off and destroyed the place. And maybe, that actually happened.

He landed on the front steps, scratching his head. How was he supposed to save the school when the school was gone? He turned around with a harrumph and his eyes widened.


Eli dashed to the three bodies lying on the sidewalk, not knowing what had happened.

 He shook the blonde, frowning when noticing how limp the boy was. Taking his hands off him, he turned to the next body.

 "Wake up Katrina!" He snapped his fingers in her face, scowling when her eyes didn't open.

 "Harry! Bro, get up!" But Harry didn't budge either.

 Suddenly, Eli fell back, scrambling away from the three bodies.

 He knew.

 He just knew.

 "No," he shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "No, no, no. You can't be... dead." His chest felt tight, like is was cutting off his oxygen. His hands were shaking and his head pounding.

 "I wasn't gone for that long... I shouldn't have gone. You didn't deserve this..." he reached toward Katrina's face to brush a hair away but stopped himself. Katrina wouldn't want him to touch her. Not even under these circumstances.

 He then covered his mouth with his hands and sobbed uncontrollably. He was just a boy. A frightened, saddened, and confused boy who had lost three dear friends. He'd never felt so lonely, looking at them soaking in a ginormous puddle of blood. Helpless. Useless. Lifeless. 

 He couldn't believe it. That they were gone. Gone. He'd never again hear one of Zach's terrible renditions of Katy Perry songs or Katrina's sarcastic remarks every time something stupid happened or Harry's idiotic jokes that didn't even make the least bit of sense.

 Surreal, that's what it was. It was surreal that something this insane and messed up could happen to three innocent people.

 In a snap, Eli was mad. How dare something like this happen to them. How dare Death snatch away three young souls like they're done with living. Like they had lived long enough. How dare they lie lifeless while their killer remain alive. Right? Cause Mr. Ford had killed them. Right?

 Then, Eli knew what he had to do. He had to avenge them.

 A single sprouted from his palm, which he gently lied on Zach's chest (because he was in the middle). The blonde gave his friends one last fleeting look and took off.

 He was going to avenge them.

 And everyone else who died.

 Because that's who he was.

 An avenger.

 Sort of.

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