50. Deliberatly Running into Walls

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New chapter!

And sorry for the cliffhanger! I just felt like ending it there would be so dramatic and that's so much fun!

Anyway... Here is...




"This. Sucks."

"You're telling me!"

"Yes, I am."

"No, I mean, like, I'm having a more suckish time than you are, so like, who are you to tell me this sucks?"

"Oh, okay then."


"This still sucks."

"I'm going to punch you in the face."

"With what? You're imaginary biceps?"

"Would you two shut up?" Kala snarled. "Even on the verge of escaping death, you two are ungodly irritating."

Eric rolled his eyes. "We're just arguing like little kids!"

"Yeah," Zach added. "What's so annoying about that- OW!"

"Oops, my bad," Eve said, not sounding guilty at all. "I didn't know there was a wall there."

Zach groaned. "This is so humiliating. Of course, I get shot and live -like a boss may I add- and then all that manliness is lost when a girl has to carry me- OW!"

"Sorry, I didn't see that wall either."


"Or that one-"

"Eve!" Harry yelled. "Would you stop deliberately hitting walls?"

"I'm not! Why would I deliberately run into a wall-"


Harry rolled his eyes, going around the corner to check it the coast was clear, but he tripped over his own feet and fell to the floor with an embarrassed ow.

"Oh my gosh," Katrina face-palmed. "We're never going to get out of here."

"Well that was a negative statement," Josie said.

"Yeah," Cat added in. "Why don't you be more optimistic, Kathy?"

"I would be more optimistic, if we weren't relying on Harry to keep us alive."

The eleven teens were just leaving the girl's locker room, heading to the orchestra room to pick up James and Jett, then getting he heck out of that school. They had debated while going up the stairs, whether they should save the hypnotized kids or go to the police. They decided to go to the police, as that was the safest way the handle the situation. Then, after the police saved the day, they could chill out at home and thank the lucky stars that they were alive.

"Don't forget, big, strong, handsome, sexy, Adam," Cat said, wrapping an arm around his waist and pressing her head to his chest and smelling his warm French scent.

Adam, who had no idea what was going on (meaning he didn't know that they were in deadly danger), lifted Cat off the ground, spinning her around in the air. They both giggled, and soon enough, they were kissing passionately.

"I ship it!" Josie yelled, then covered her mouth when she realized the red shirted men could probably still hear them.

Harry walked back in. "Okay, the coast is clear-"

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now