52. Oh Nothing

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Hey guys! This is a weird chapter but it's all gonna fit in, don't worry. Just bare with me.


Anyway, I give you...




Eli was quite proud of himself. Not only did he defeat the red shirted men and Mr. Ford in a simple fly-over, but he also became besties Adele. The Adele. No one else in the world could say they accomplished such great things, because, if you added it all up, no one was better than Eli in that moment. At least, that's what he thought.

"It's really nice out today," Eli said, smiling happily while carrying Kayne West's ex-girlfriend's gold. (Refer to Hello? It's Me if you don't get the reference.)

The two had just exited the gold room through the door that led out to the parking lot. The sky was baby blue and the sun bright and bushy-tailed, as it should be on a spring afternoon. All was calm and all was bright.

Adele nodded. "Much better than the weather back in England, I can tell you that." She then muttered, "Bloody Americans and their perfect weather."

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing."

Shrugging, Eli padded forward. He really didn't know where he was going but he knew, for some strange reason, he shouldn't stay at the school. He hoped that Neo guy had gotten out too, along with his friends, but hope could only go so far. He knew he should probably go back and try to find him, but, honestly, he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was find a nice hotel with good online reviews, buy a room with his charming good looks, and take a long, nap. That would make him happy.

The two were maneuvering around a semi-truck packed full of gold when a scream erupted and tomatoes came flying at their faces.

Adele shrieked and hid behind one of the giant tires, while Eli, who had dropped all the gold on his foot from fright, cursed profoundly and took flight. He soared a few feet above the ground, wiping the tomato guys from his eyes, and found the attacker. From there, he soared toward them and tackled the attacker, stopping the tomato bombing.

"Agh! Get off me you creep!" the attacker yelled. "You're heavy and it's hurting my beautiful soul."

Eli pinned down the attacker, frowning a bit when catching their face.

"You're a girl?" He said, bewildered. He figured anyone who threw tomatoes the way she did was a baseball player or a boy, and this girl looked like neither. That's what he got for stereotyping, he guessed.

"Of course Imma girl! Not get off!" She yelled, shoving him onto the concrete.

Eli, who's butt was sore from smacking against the ground, was astound. She had pushed him off of her without any trouble. He, the superhero with super-strength, was beaten by an ordinary, mundane person. A girl at that. What did that make him?

"I'm weak," he said, staring at his fingertips like they were little aliens attacked to him. "I'm... not extraordinary."

The girl rolled her eyes. "But you're special alright."

Adele peeked her head out from behind the tire. "Are we all good?" She didn't wait for a response as she walked over to the two. "What's happened here?"

The attacker stood up. "I was just throwing tomatoes because I thought you guys were coming to eat me or something." She glanced back at Eli, who was tucked in a ball rocking back and forth. "Obviously, that's not the case." She then extended her hand out. "I'm Bailey."

Adele smiled, taking her hand. "I'm Adele." She gestured to Eli. "I'm not sure who he is."

"I don't even think he knows who he is," Bailey muttered. "Anyway," she added, "what's going on inside? Are my friends okay? Have they beaten the bad guy? I kinda just ran out at a climatic part and I don't know what happened or if anybody died or what's going on really."

"See, I don't know what happened either. I came in after all that stuff," she pursed her lips. "I think."

Bailey shook her head. "Man, now I gotta watch the news! This stinks!"

"It doesn't stink as much as getting your heart broken every time you get into a relationship."


"Oh nothing," Adele kicked up a pebble, watching it tumble across the parking lot. "So what should we do? Go inside and save them?"

"I don't think we could do that," Bailey said. "Look at us, we're, like, not superheroes. I say we let it all play out and hope everyone's okay."

Adele shrugged. "Okay then. You up for lunch? I'm starved."

Bailey's widened. "I know the perfect place!  don't happen to own a car, do you?"

"Do I?" Adele said, casually holding up silver car keys. "I thought you'd never ask."

Bailey's smirk grew even wider. "Let's go."

Lol this chapter is so weird but it will play in. I promiseeeeeee!

Where do you think they're going to go?

Do you think they'll live?

Because, spoiler alert, they're probably not.

Jk jk, they totally will.

Okay that's a lie.

But seriously, they'll be fine.


Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now