47. Hello? It's Me

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Another chapter for y'all!

You don't have to, but you should watch the video. It's Adele's carpool karaoke with James Corden (who is hilarious). It might help the chapter make more sense. Maybe?

Anyway, enjoy!




From behind a giant totem pole and out of sight of any red shirted men, Eli huffed as he tried to wipe the tomato off his face.

The blonde could hear the grunts and shouts from the red shirted men as they tried to pick up everything he knocked over, three piles of gold, two sections of hypnotized kids, and someone's PeeWeeApple juice box. They would be distracted for the time being. The time being the time it took for him to get the tomato off his face.

"Stupid projectile vegetables. I'm going to slaughter the guy who threw this."

"Hello?" A whisper sounded from the shadows to Eli's left.

Startled, the 'superhero' jumped away from where the voice came from, fear coursing through his veins. There was a pitch black, open space only two feet from him. How open and spacey, he didn't know. Anything could be lurking there. He squinted into the darkness to try to see who or what was there.

"Um, hi?" He said, breathing heavy. Through he had superpowers, he was still wary of the unknown. What if it was a waitress from Waffle House?

"Hello?" The voice was barely audible, and reminded Eli of Voldemort's lisp, which was not good at all.

Eli shifted to his knees, ready to lift off if anything too sketchy happened.

"Who-Who are you?" The blonde asked the blackness.

"It's me."

Eli knitted his eyebrows together. "Who?"

"I've been wondering after all these years you'd like to meet."

Eli blinked. "What?"

"To go over, everything."

"What's there to go over?"

"They say that time's supposed to heal ya
but I ain't done much healing."

"Maybe you should get that checked. Like by your doctor or something?" Eli was so beyond confused. This voice was making no sense.

"Hello?" It said for like the 1,000th time.

"Um, hey?" Eli frowned.

"Can you hear me?"


"I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be."

"But aren't you right here-"

"When we were younger and free. I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet."

Spoiler Alert: They Ain't Gonna Make ItWhere stories live. Discover now