14. Go-Fish For Your Real Identity 'Dr. Fluke'

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Lol, "Jasper's family" above.

If you look closely, you notice that they're doing the same faces the monkey emojis do.

They is cute!

Anyway, here's a chapter that sums up lots of stuff that's been happening but it also builds stuff too.

And stuff.

So, I give you...




"Do you have any eights?" Zach asked Eric, peering over his cards with a smirk.

"Ugh," Eric groaned, half-heartingly handed over two cards to his blonde friend. "I swear you're cheating."

The little card group composed of Key, Sarah, Harry, Zach, Eric, and Kai, laughed, all enjoying their game. It was a nice break from school work, which on a normal day they would be doing. They were very happy to relax and distress instead of do grueling projects and research.

Zach smacked his hand over his heart with an offended expression. "Me? Cheat? I would never!" He mocked exasperation, a glint in his eyes that gave away his lie.

"I'm cheating!" Harry raised his hand, his cards exposed to everyone.

"How can you be cheating?" Key face palmed from her spot in the circle. "Your too stupid to cheat, your cards are upside down."

Harry then peered at his cards. "Oh yeah," he pulled a dumb smile. "They are."

Key face-palmed, mumbling something about 'guys' and 'idiots' before throwing her cards down and walking away. Smiling, Sarah followed, mocking the taller girl's movements like she had been for the whole card game. To that, Key huffed.

But Harry just shrugged and proceeded with asking Kai if he had any threes.

Kai, who had been spacing out, didn't notice his friend was trying to get his attention. His mind was focussed on a big decision he had to make. One he couldn't seem to get out of.

"Kai!" Harry waved his hand in front of the taller boys face to no avail. When getting no reaction, the black haired boy then proceeded to wave Kai's own hand in front of his face, hoping it would work. "Wake up!"

Shaken, Kai looked to his friend and blinked.

"You okay?" asked the hand waver, giving Kai his limb back.

Before Kai could respond, Jasper and Eli walked in the room. It was a good thing though. Kai was a terrible liar when it came to secrets like the one he was keeping. His friends would see right through every word he spoke. And the truth was something that he wouldn't dare to say.

" 'Sup homies!" Jasper nodded like he was all that. Which of course, he wasn't, but he didn't care. "Look who I brought!"

"Who?" Lely sprang up from her chair to see.

Kala, who had been working very hard on braiding her friend's hair, grunted at all of her hard work wasted in just one small distraction. The precious braid was loose, too loose to save. Destroyed and never to be again. But she couldn't be mad at Jasper, that was impossible.

So, she glared at Lely.

"Oh," Lely rolled her eyes were she caught sight of Jasper and Eli behind him. "It's just you two." She sat back down with her arms crossed, gesturing for Kala to braid once again. The strawberry blonde refused, pouting at beginning the process all over again would be too much work. Yet, she found her fingers in Lely's hair once again, unweaving then weaving all over again.

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