Where you find me

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Tay got ready for school and raced there since today was the day they went to the courthouse to do Mock trial in front of a real judge. When they started loading up on the bus Kyle still hand it shown up. Ty and Tay walked up to Cal who stood by the bus doors in a suit.
"Did either of you hear from Kyle? We need to go." Cal asked them.
"His phone's either off or dead. It's going straight to voice mail." Ty told them and Cal looked at Helen.
"This isn't like him." Helen said
"He was in the shower when I left. I thought he was right behind me." Tay shook her head.
"Don't worry, Tay, he probably is. And we have a schedule to keep." Cal said looking at his phone.
"He always gets a little mopey after a show, but he's really down this time. I guess it's harder when you've been the star." Ty said before getting on bus with Tay behind him.
They got to the courthouse and Kyle still hasn't shown. As Tay stepped off the bus with Gabe behind her he yelled.
"Bull dogs on trial."
"Gave, I don't think that's what you're suppose to be saying. Get in there." Helen said shoving him in the courthouse.
Tay went in and they started. Tay didn't pay attention at all she was too worried about Kyle. She felt like she was going to puke her guts out. She felt like it was her fault because out of everyone she was the who payed him the most attention to him. She was too excited about some stupid mock trail to worry about her one brother. She felt like a horrible big sister. At the end of the trial they won second place and CeCe won best defense attorney. Tay stood with Helen and Cal when all three of their phones went all getting a message that Kyle was found and fine.
"Hey, we just heard you're mom found Kyle." Cal told Ty and Annie who were walking over.
"Oh, thank god." Ty said hugging Annie 
Everyone went to Whartons to celebrate but Tay went straight home and hug out with Kyle for a while. After about two episodes of criminal minds Kyle went to his room. Tay had heard about how Noreen left Bill and honestly Tay applauded her for getting herself and baby out of that relationship. She felt bad for being rude to Noreen, she really did. After a while she went to bed. The next day at practice Cal told her about a new girl that was coming to their school next week and Tay was in charge of showing her around since they had the same schedule.

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