Chapter 10: Turning the Tide

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Reo: Nice goal Nagi! Just like I envisioned it!

Nagi: Reo, can I play hooky now? You and Zantetsu can handle it. 

Reo: No, didn't you see Ayanokouji's super goal? You need to at least score a hattrick, maybe even five goals. 

Isagi: (What was that goal just now? A super long pass across the soldier? Not to mention, the topspin on it and how it dropped like a stone. Controlling the ball on the run is difficult enough as it is. If his control wasn't pinpoint, they could've stolen the ball at any time. But he plucked it out of the air without breaking stride. So many high-level techniques were packed in that one moment. That's the top ranked player in Building 5... Nagi Seishiro.)

  Nagi: Five more goals, such a hassle. 

Ayanokouji checked the ball after Nagi's super goal and passed it over to Bachira. 

Lemon: Let's take it slow guys! No need to go crazy or anything!

Instantly, two defenders guarded Ayanokouji, like he was put in jail. 

Reo: In each of your games, the one person who's been the most consistent, was you, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. So if we snip you off, the team will die along with it. Consider the first goal a fluke. We aren't going to make the same mistake again. 

Ayanokouji: I see...

Isagi: (Damn, they're already bringing the double team.)

Bachira looks forward and sees Kunigami pushing through the middle. 

Bachira: Kunigami, let's get you to your favored mid-range. 

A fast a quick pass to Kunigami was completed perfectly but just as he was going forward to get closer to his range, Reo and another defender circled around him. 

Reo: You're still not in shooting range, are you...Kunigami Gains-kun?

In an instant, Reo easily stole the ball and he started to build up a counterattack. 

Reo: Let's just do another one, hehe. 

Kicking the ball dead in the center with pure power, Reo sent the same pass as before towards Nagi who was running into the penalty box.

Isagi: They're doing the same play again? Stop him, Raichi, Igarashi-kun!

Igarashi: I'll press him. 

Raichi: He won't get lucky a second time!

Nagi, sensing that Igarashi was coming forward towards him, controlled the ball and kicked it up in the air. 

Igarashi: HUH?!

Nagi jumped up and contorted his body to hit the ball clearly into the right-hand corner via a bicycle kick. 


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