Chapter 23: The Greatest Show

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Kiyotaka checked the ball and passed it left to Raichi who immediately sent it back to Kiyotaka.

Shido's bright smile emulated their natures, and he charged forward in anticipation of his genius' ultimate play.

Pablo, still annoyed at Kiyotaka, met him in the midfield.

Kiyotaka: Oh, it's the kid.

Pablo: Say that aga-

His eyes glared and scanned his surroundings. A single opening was all Kiyotaka could take advantage of and it would only be possible if he could... match Pablo's tempo.

With an explosion of speed to his right, Kiyotaka performed 5 stepovers and a short cut to the left side, reeling in Pablo closer still.

And now, forgoing the copy of Pablo's dribbling tempo, he performed a elastico followed by and roulette, completely bypassing the Freckled kid.

Kiyotaka: I said you were just a kid.

Raichi and Aryu followed suit as they both pressed forward on opposite routes. Loki took on the slender man and Adam Blake guarded shark teeth.

There was still one unaccounted for, the Scion himself.

Leonardo Luna: You're down a player essentially, so don't get mad over this 2v1, Ayanokouji-kun.

Meanwhile, once again, Dada Silva proceeded to rush and battle Shido for ground in the penalty box.


In sheer, brute force, a specimen like Silva had no equal and Shido finally grew to understand that crucial point.

So, instead of needlessly rambling into the penalty area without a plan, he had been watching every single move Kiyotaka had been making for the entire game. He was amazed at his composure and vast reservoir of soccer prowess.

And in each of his confrontations with Dada Silva, Shido saw something new that Kiyotaka implemented. In the first time, his shot was blocked so on the second attempt, Kiyotaka put more effect on the soccer ball to fool the troll.

In Kiyotaka's first goal, he was able to bypass Silva, not by matching the brute's strength, but by using their different frames to his advantage and thoroughly slither right past him like a snake.

This singular moment opened Shido's eyes to a solution and it was only when Kiyotaka used the same trick again but on defense, he finally found the troll's weakness: His speed.

Shido can win through allusivity rather than strength, something he never knew was possible. Another element to his game set itself in stone, like the final piece to a puzzle.

This.. was his plan.


While not even looking to Kiyotaka's onslaught through the midfield, Shido had charged Dada Silva for a 4th time in the game.

Dada Silva: Looks like you didn't learn your lesson already, string bean.

Shido: Just fuck off and witness my explosion, ogre.

He cut right but immediately felt like he just ran into a brick wall. But his tenacity knew no bounds. Instead of pushing forward, he lowered his body like a wrestler, and shoulder blocked his weak side.

Dada Silva merely pressed on with more strength, but it was too late. Shido peeled off the ogre and cut in the opposite direction, finally blitzing through the Brazilian.

All that existed for Shido, was the net.

Kiyotaka instantly took into account Shido's position and prepared to make the imaginary a reality.

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