Chapter 49: Anti-Chemical Reaction

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Rin: Hell no.

Kiyotaka: Hm? 

Rin: You think I'm just going to be your puppet after everything? Forget it. Go use your other tools. Don't you have enough of them already? Leave me out of it. 

Charles couldn't stop snickering from the background. 

Charles: It's almost like getting rejected for being a playboy~.

Karasu muffled his chuckle with his hands, trying to keep it together. 

Rin moved away from Kiyotaka and to his position as Loki gleamed at the sight from the bench. 

Loki: (You're trying to integrate Rin into the offense by mirroring Snuffy's visionary prowess as a benchmark. But it only worked for him, because his team worked for him to the bitter end. You don't have that luxury.)

Kiyotaka: So, you plan on doing it all alone, by yourself? 

Rin: I never needed any help, especially not from you. Two easy, cheap goals. That's all you got. The clincher is mine and mine alone. 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: I only offered to play off each other and defeat a master striker. The result of the match is going to be the same regardless. Once Snuffy steps out, I'll devise another play and get a Hatrick. But doing it against a team with no offense just didn't sit well with me. It's a shame you weren't up for the challenge. 

Rin: There's always a catch with you. Something that doesn't benefit you directly now might benefit you later on. I'm not here to make you better. 

Kiyotaka rose his hands in submission as the teams got ready to restart the game. 

Kiyotaka: (I expected that. The point of my question wasn't to gain his trust right away... it was to plant a seed of doubt... into his own motivations. Scoring against Snuffy-led team is more valuable than winning because his 3 minutes are up. If he wanted to make a statement, now was the time. Desperation will lead to mistakes and, therefore, a compromise.)

Charles: So, ya still want me as a spectator? 

Kiyotaka: Yes. Make sure your eyes don't leave the ball. In the next game, I expect you to replicate my pass. 

Charles: Eh? But I still don't got the power for it-

Kiyotaka: That's why I'm telling you to pay attention. There's a trick to my pass that can't be taught through merely words. With your eyes, I believe you can pick out what you need to make it happen. 

Charles pouted. 

Charles: You're putting way too much stress on me and it's annoying, just like king nagger over their on the bench. 

Karasu: What do you need me to do, captain?

Kiyotaka: Stay near Rin like a spy. 

Karasu: A spy? 

Kiyotaka: Once he loses the ball, I need a fast-paced counterattack immediately afterword or Snuffy's time will run out and this'll be for nothing. 

Karasu: Ok~.

The match restarted as a newly invigorated Juventus team with Snuffy at the helm, changed their formation to match the potential attack. 


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