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Hope you enjoy this one hehe :)


"Alessia," the scarily familiar and smooth voice sounds in my ear and I almost let out a yelp when his hand loops around my waist and he pulls me into his side, as though that was where I belonged as I slot into place like a jigsaw piece. The heat is almost as inviting as it is scary and I feel Kiraz drops my hand reluctantly - well aware that it would be awkward for her to resist it given the sheer number of cameras flashing in front of us as I keep a smile on my face for the many members of the Italian press that are here.

"Charles," I say as calmly as I can muster as I look at the cameras, a calm expression remaining on my face, not at all betraying my intense disliking for my lack of discomfort as I similarly wrap my arm around his waist. Making it look as though we are simply posing for the cameras in front of us as I tip my head inwards slightly. I'm made acutely aware of how much effort I need to put into this as he leans his head down towards me while I look at the cameras and I feel his hot breath hit against the skin below my ear and it makes my heart stop slightly.

"You okay?" He whispers smoothly in my ear and I jump slightly as I hadn't realised that he had moved in quite so close. He uses the opportunity to reposition his hand from my back to my waist, gripping slightly harder as he shifts his body more towards mine and makes it seem to the rest of the world as though he is telling me something about the show. I let a softer smile come over my face, to sell that story and hide the fact that I can feel my sanity leaving me with every elongated touch he places on my body.

"Of course," I say turning my head to look at him, feeling him move his head back from me as he waited for a response and I decide that I won't let him see me be intimidated. But I quickly realise I'm already totally fucked on that count because the moment I look at him, he removes the sunglasses that were previously covering my eyes and his eyes are looking back at mine, nothing to hide behind as my body is pressed tightly against his and we both pretend we're doing this for the photos.

"How about now?" He mutters knowingly and I gulp slightly as the smile waivers on my face, his teasing words making my heart beat harder in my chest and I freak out as I try to take a deep breath without letting the tension become too apparent to those around us, more people filing out from the show every second and I'm aware that we're attracting a decent amount of attention as we stand there and 'pose'. The same thing is happening now as what happened at the party, the feeling of time slowing down that I had tried to convince myself was the result of alcohol, was now undeniably not related to alcohol and I knew I needed to admit to myself that it had nothing to do with anything else. It was just to do with us.

"Peachy," I respond, realising that short form answers really are the way to go around him. Mainly because I can't seem to string more than two words together around him and certainly not when he's looking at me like that.

"You're looking a little...flustered, Lacey," he comments, clearly not suffering from the same afflictions that I am quite as badly and hearing my name roll of his tongue in a way that seems strange causes me to realise that I need to fight for some control back, to try and recoup some of my sanity. I take the chance to lean in closer, moving onto my tiptoes to try and access his ear, my free hand steady on his chest and I feel this get a reaction from him.


"Is that how you want me Charles?...flustered from your touch?" I ask, my voice smooth and perfectly seductive, before lowering myself back down and leaning away from him to check his face with a cheeky smile. I was genuinely happy now though, no need to fake it was clear all of a sudden that he was not the one in control anymore. One sentence, one slight change in my body position and he's undone. Charles' cheeks are flushed pink, green eyes hazy with a thousand overwhelming thoughts and his lips are parted. He's the perfect picture of confusion and desire being mixed into one. He doesn't answer though and I use the opportunity to let out a fake girlish giggle before pulling away, quickly grabbing my sunglasses back out of his hand as I remove myself from his arms and instant relief floods me as I do so. Glad to feel my senses and sanity return slightly more to normal with the absence of his touch no matter how much I'm inclined to miss it.

Burning Heart // CL16Where stories live. Discover now