Eighty Two

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A special helmet from a special person! See Charles's reaction to the helmet gifted to him by @AlessiaAmon before the Japanese Grand Prix! Supportive co-parents ❤️
Username: omg that's so thoughtful... the helmet is beautiful
Username: his reaction is so cute and the helmet is sooo sweet
Username: I think the music notes are an actual melody but I can't find the song :(
-> ScuderiaFerrari: 🎶 an Amon-Leclerc collaboration original 👀

The race goes well... the day goes well actually. Charles was right and the weather was actually fine during the race, the track was a little damp but it just meant that Lewis was accidentally taken out by Alonso after he came out from a pit stop - which was huge for Charles's championship hopes. Especially after he capitalised off it, ignored Ferrari's attempt to box him too early and benefitted from the safety car brought out by Lewis. So in the end Charles came P2 after starting P13, an incredible drive from an incredible driver and for the first time this season, it put him into first place in the driver's championship despite Ferrari being stuck in second by a considerable margin.

Kiraz joined Isa and I in the garage earlier than she planned as she brought me a different top to wear. It was good to have her around because Isa and I were doing nothing for each others nerves as we fought to keep ourselves calm throughout the crazy race. I was the worst though, by far, Isa was holding Ruby the entire time while I held Kiraz's hands in a vice like grip as though that was going to help with my nerves. Honestly, the result felt like the biggest victory of the season to date as all three of us rushed down to the end of the pit lane for celebrations, Ruby vaguely aware that this was a good day as she smiled and cheered in my arms before I passed her to Charles who claimed her as his prize like he always did after a podium.

The celebration is simple, I press a kiss to his cheek and give him a hug. We exchange a few words and play nice in front of the cameras and our friends who, while they may suspect something, know absolutely nothing for sure about something going on between us. I watch with Kiraz, Isa and Carlos from below the podium, cheering with the Ferrari crew as we look up at him on the second step shining like the star that he is. The entire time the British anthem is playing for George on the top step of the podium, Charles's eyes are locked onto mine, the familiar sparkle in them as though he knows something that no one else does. No one but us. It's as though we're the only two people in the world that have knowledge about the best secret ever and it's intoxicating. I love it when he looks at me like that.

Eventually he's off the podium, the press is finally all done, pictures have been taken with the team, debriefs are done and I finally get to see him again. Just me in his drivers room as Isa and Carlos had gone off with Ruby back to the hotel because she wanted a nap and they were done considerably before Charles was. When he walked through the entrance to his driver room, I was relieved that it was just him as I shut the door the moment his second foot crossed the boundaries.

I could see that it took a moment for him to realise that I was in the room with him but I saw a glimmer of recognition in his eyes the second before I reached around his neck, stood on my tiptoes and pressed a longing kiss to his lips. He reacts in an instant as he grips my waist and pulls me closer towards him, my body flush as he deepens the kiss and I let him. There's a pull in my stomach as his hands move from my waist, up my back and he holds me tightly. My stomach is a knot of fluttering butterflies as he fights for dominance in the kiss and I give it up easily, reacting to his touch and his lips as easily as breathing.

"What's this nice surprise for?" He mumbles against my lips, refusing to fully break away and I knew there was an element of him not wanting the moment to end given that he wasn't entirely sure if this would be resumed again.

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