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Miami, Qualifying day

"Oh it's good to see you both!" Isa says the moment Kiraz and I walk into the garage, five minutes before everything gets crazy as the final dash for qualifying preparation begins. I realised that around twenty-two minutes before the session starts is when things get really crazy. So we had a few minutes of almost calm before the storm.

"You saw us last week," I point out with a smile while I wrap my arms around her in a hug and step away to allow Kiraz to do the same. I take the time to look around the garage and feel overwhelmed quickly, it's far more electric than most other weekends.

"Yes but this weekend is crazy! The amount of celebrities is ridiculous - I've never seen it like this before!" She confesses and I shrug as I look around, largely un-fazed by it, although I do see what she means. "What have you been up to since Monday?" She then asks and Kiraz look at each other and shrug.

"Honestly, not much. Filmed some more content, Kiraz had an event that she went to on Wednesday and apart from that we've just chilled out with Dylan - worked out a bit, gone on walks, ate out like every night because we have friends in the city and stuff," I say shrugging and she nods. "My busy week is next week because I have a Cosmo photo shoot and a couple of meetings with Fenti, plus Kiraz is abandoning me for a week of work in Paris" I say with a shrug as I look around the garage, eyes getting drawn to the other side as I see a severe lack of Marian while Charles is going over information with Xavi. "Is she not here this weekend?" I ask with a frown, motioning to that side of the garage and Isa shakes her head.

"No, a modelling campaign in like Barbados or something? I don't know...I zoned out when she was talking about it" Isa replies and I can feel Kiraz's eyes on me as my eyes stay on him.

"That's a shame, I would have invited him to that party the other night if I knew," I say out loud to no one in particular before shaking my head and turning to look at the two girls who are looking at me knowingly. "What?"

"Whatever you're thinking...don't...it won't end well," Isa says quietly and I shake my head like she's crazy.

"I'm not thinking anything...we just made peace the other day - I wouldn't want him to think that was fake..." I say in the form of an excuse but neither of the two in front of me are buying it.

"Alright Lacey...I'm just saying I think it's trouble. They've had periods like this before and always come out stronger," Isa warns and I nod as I think back to our conversation the other day as I nod.

"Yeah, no, I get that I do - we're just friends," I try again and just see Kiraz and Isa exchange a look. "What would you like for me to do, continue ignoring they exist?" I ask Isa who shakes her head.

"Ignore who exists?" Charles says from behind me and I feel my heart pick up immediately at the sound of his voice. Okay, well that wasn't the greatest reaction and didn't really back up my words particularly well...but maybe it was just from surprise?

"All the celebrities around here, it's pretty overwhelming," I say the lie smoothly with a soft smile as I turn around to look at Charles, smiling when I see him up close, his eyes bright and playful as they look at mine with an element of knowing disbelief. Before I know it, Charles has quickly put his arm around my shoulders in the form of a side hug as we turn to face the other two. I don't know for sure about Charles but the butterflies in my stomach are powering my smile single handedly, the nervous energy needing to take root somewhere else as we stood there casually.

Except it didn't feel casual right now, it felt perfect as he smiled and I knew he felt the same as me.

"I only see one celebrity right now and I'm standing right next to her," he says jokingly, his soft voice warm with compliment in a way that makes me giggle. Giggle? Really Lacey?...so basic but I can't help myself.

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