Forty Six

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Alessia's POV

I don't know how long I got caught into my work but eventually Kiraz came to nudge me, reminding me that I was meant to be out with her and not working. "Right, sorry... I couldn't help myself," I confess with an embarrassed chuckle as I finish my email with a dramatic flourish of keys, making sure to tag in Christian to all of the ones I'd sent over the last little spurt with decisions that were direly needed before looking back at Kiraz. "I didn't even realise I'd left my glasses here, that's how little work I've done," I tell her with a shallow, unamused laugh as I place them back down in front of me.

"Yeah but it's been for a good reason," she reminds me quietly and I nod. "It's also for a good reason that you stop now and leave with me... Charles is desperate, says he's not had her alone before," she mumbles with raised eyebrows and I feel the embarrassment fill my chest, aware that it's true.

"Can you blame me?... I know loads of mums that wouldn't let their partner solo care for their kid until like a year old and it's not like he's got as much experience as other dad's - which yes, I know is my fault but still, I don't like leaving her," I say begrudgingly and Kiraz just shakes her head, clearly unamused. "Whatever, fine, yes, let me just go get changed."

"I bought you some low rise jeans from a campaign I did, they're in my closet in case you wanted them?" She suggests and I burst out laughing as we walk out of the door together, immediately turning towards my room.

"That's hilarious, there's no way I try out those jeans, my ego doesn't need to take the bashing of trying to fit into your size. Plus really, low rise? Hell no. I would never go back to that normally and definitely not now," I tell her and she shrugs as she rolls her eyes but I can see the understanding in her eyes as I tentatively rest my hand on my lower stomach, the one part of my body that will never not remind me that I've given birth and quite frankly the trauma of it all. Not to mention everything else that came out as a result.

She follows me and helps me get ready quickly, a simple pastel yellow strapped bodysuit with a sweetheart neckline and some pale blue jeans with some rips in them. With my hair and makeup done, even I'm impressed with how much I look like the old me... it looks like I've never even had a kid and when I walk out of my room with my bag and jacket, I feel even better about my choices as I watch Charles' mouth fall open as he bounces Ruby in his arms.

"You look..." he trails off and Kiraz smiles as she wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"Hot! The word you are looking for our gorgeous girl Leclerc, is hot!" She says with a smirk and I roll my eyes as I shove her arm off from around me as I fiddle with the hoop earring nervously, a wry smile on my face as I approach the pair of them, matching in their red tops.

"Are you sure? Because honestly, I'm more than happy to go and get changed back into my sweats," I mutter to him, hoping I'm quiet enough that Kiraz won't hear but as I turn around to see her glare I see I wasn't successful.

"No! Come on! The bonus of not being a single parent is that there is built in baby sitting for girls nights! I've had one girls night with you since we found out you were pregnant! I love Ruby but I miss my best friend!" She says pouting and looking between Charles and I with a sad look in her eyes.

"One night?!" Charles interjects in shock and I just look at Ruby with wide eyes for help.

"Papa is going to look after you little one... be good," I tell her to ignore the questions and statements from everyone around us.

"Red Car!" She yells as she points at Charles and I just chuckle as I shake my head at her, pushing her hair back slightly as I softly rub my nose against hers and press a kiss to her forehead before being pulled away by Kiraz.

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