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The covenant was carved on the slab, and Cancie placed the slab on a shelf on the east wall of the large log cabin. The shelf was constructed of dyed orange vines, wrapped with decorative leaves. , also dyed some peculiar symbols with special sap painting.

Luo Qiu lay on the edge of the wooden table and watched the movements of the silver-haired old man, focusing on this peculiar shelf.

This shelf seems to be specially used to store stone slabs and other animal skins that record pictures, so it should be a relatively expensive shelf.

It sounds like there is no writing in this world yet?

Luo Qiu recalled the pattern carved by the witch on the stone slab just now. Compared with oracle bone inscriptions, the level of writing in this world is still in the stage of drawing. It is engraved on the stone slab, and it seems that the final interpretation right of all the engraved patterns belongs to the witch.

And the legends about the Holy Palace and the priests and envoys explained by the adults before do not sound like there are no words. Even if there are, they should at least have the level of oracle bone inscriptions to compile those complex adjectives into a form that can be circulated. Wide range of poetry.

This may be a relatively primitive way of monopolizing knowledge. In this case, apart from the parties who saw how the patterns on the stone slabs were engraved at that time, how to explain them can basically only be judged by the witch.

The little cheetah cub shook its ears to keep this in mind, wondering whether to open up Arabic numerals or speak Chinese in pinyin later.

Luo Qiu actually knows a little oracle bone inscription, but the few words he knows can't cover the needs of daily life at all, and can only be used as a common communication in specific scenarios.

Maybe you can guide and refer to everyone's unified text? Then learn some math first.

After all, there is no separation of science and engineering, and learning numbers well is more important than learning characters for the time being. How can such a huge tribe not have a financial department?

Ah, he forgot that the silver-haired, blue-eyed old man in front of him was the multi-in-one chancellor of the exchequer.

Although he is a bit older, he also has the potential to become an all-around talent with multi-faceted development!

The little cheetah cub's golden eyes reflected a faint gaze, and there was already a little idea in his little head.

Putting these things aside, Kanxi, who briefly made a summary of the meeting, actually couldn't wait to see how the fishing skills from the generous gift of the beast god are, so after thousands of exhortations and ten thousand others After the big cats, Kanxi touched his chin and planned to take out a few cats to explore for the time being. If he really succeeded, he would go to the top of the mountain to deal with those big tigers, but in fact, he already thought in his heart that What the little cub said is all true, so after picking out a few big cats with more stable personalities as the first team of this fishing operation, Kanxi immediately went out of the big wooden house to arrange the tribal gathering place other things inside.

In the eyes of everyone, the smart and kind little cheetah cub was calmly pointed at by Kanxi who was in a hurry and pointed to the big tiger who was silent except for a word in the meeting, and appointed him as the guard of the little angel .

So Luo Qiu, who finally got together with his Papaban, was packed and sent to the neighbor's uncle's belly again with a face full of tears.

But fortunately, compared to the previous rule of not being able to go anywhere except the big tree house of the neighbor's uncle's house, Luo Qiu can go back home every now and then, or Papaban brings his family to visit him at the neighbor's uncle's house.

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