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The early spring of 1980 is very short. Although the too cold winter has been prolonged and delayed the arrival of spring, once we enter the next year, the days suddenly become faster.

At first Luo Qiu didn't notice the rise in temperature, until one day he was chasing the tail of a big tiger in the open space in front of the big tree house with a small toy in his mouth, when suddenly the tip of his nose was swept by catkins blowing from an unknown direction. Then, after an itchy sneeze, I suddenly realized that spring had really arrived.

In the spacious pine forest territory of my neighbor's uncle, there are already many catkins from other places hanging in groups among the pine needles of the pine trees. It seems that these pine trees have bloomed some small white fluffy flowers. During the play, the cub was always inadvertently disturbed by the catkins flying in the air, causing little sneezes one after another.

Later, the situation seemed to be serious. The big tiger anxiously licked the cub's nose to help clean it up, but Luo Qiu still felt stuffy and itchy inside her nose.

When Luo Qiu opened her eyes in a daze in the middle of the night, she found that Kanxi had arrived in the bedroom of the big tree house at some point. Next to the animal skin nest was the big tiger that was snorting anxiously.

"Poor cub, you have some allergies."

Kansi touched the little cub's body temperature which was slightly higher than usual with her cold fingers.

Noko glanced at Kansi, then lowered his head and frequently licked the down on the little cub with his tongue, trying to use this method to cool down the little cub.

Kansi was startled when Noko suddenly broke through the window in the middle of the night, but when he heard that the little cub was sick, he didn't even have time to put on his clothes. He directly transformed into the orc's rabbit-cat form, and was bitten by the big tiger on the neck. Take it up and run back to the big tree house.

Fortunately, the temperature of the little cub was not very high, and the two big cats did not continue to heat up after staying here for a while.

Kansi touched other parts of the little cub, then turned around and flipped through the backpack he had brought in a hurry. Inside there was a cold stone slab with strange patterns on it, which Kansi had found on a certain occasion when he went out. Found it by the river.

The temperature of this stone slab is much lower than other tongues at any time, so it is the best choice to use it to cool down the little cub at this moment.

Kansi took out the slate and was about to put it under the little cub's body. Before his hand could get closer, he was pushed back by the big tiger who suddenly stood up and roared.

"! Oh! Noko! Calm down! What I'm holding is not a weapon! This is just a stone slab! It's used to cool down!"

Kansi uncontrollably lowered his body under the momentum of the big tiger, trying to keep himself as close to the ground as possible , stretched the slate in his hands forward with both hands, trying to prove his harmlessness, and then stared closely into the eyes of Noko, who was obviously in a somewhat irritable state, and slowly got up.

"You are so crazy! No, you are like this!"

Kansi was a little angry, but the most important thing was the little cub, so he could only suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart and growl threats in the throat of the big tiger with bared teeth. With great effort, he gently turned the little cub over, and then placed the cold patterned stone slab on it.

Noko watched Kansi's movements closely, but the muscles in his body that were tense and alert did not relax at all.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. God knows, when he woke up at night, he saw the little cub sneezing non-stop and its breath became weaker and weaker. He only felt that the blood in his body was rising, and he licked the nest anxiously. The little cub didn't see him wake up for a long time, so he could only hold back the panic in his heart and hurriedly ran to pick Kansi back up.

Dressed As A Cheetah Cub In A Primitive FarmingWhere stories live. Discover now