Behavioral Issues

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"Don't touch the silverware, the glass, the platters, be respectful, show your gratitude, converse with everyone-INCLUDING Mrs. Kenna, be nice to Peter for God's sake he would make a lovely husband-"
"NO. I am NOT going to be with that little-"

"We've heard the names plenty of time dearest, just be nice to him. It doesn't require marriage, just tolerate the poor boy." Grandfather cut in, obviously trying to avoid conflict.

"Right. But the second I tolerate him, he's going to think I'm confessing my undying love for him. Do you remember when I told him "you look nice as well" and he asked me to dinner?"

"He desperately likes you sweetheart, can you blame him?" Grandfather defended. In front of us Grandmother scoffs.

We spent the rest of the ride silently listening to the hag's bickering about how "lovely" Peter is and even more things I can and cannot do.

Ugh. Here we are. The house-mansion-was newly painted as it is every year with beautiful flowers all around it. I was escorted out of the limo by our usual driver, Joseph. Also known as my not so secret admiring ass pervert.
"Madam." He says and kisses my hand dramatically. Prick.
"Yep." I stepped out of the car already feeling the ache in my feet from these damn shoes.

"Well aren't you going to thank Sir Joseph Fae?" Grandmother asked looking at me as if I had just threatened to bomb her fùcking village.

"Thanks." I said monotonously and he smirked. I looked over to see my grandmother shooting me daggers. Fuck you too little bitch. Come at me damnit. Please, please try me. I will fu-

"Ahem. Fae. Margaret." My grandfather said in an attempt to break the tension.
"Yes?" The two-faced clitoris asked innocently, still staring at me. We all know what you did you fake fucking wrinkle bag.

She was the one who broke the eye contact. That's right. I won. We started walking behind the house where a huge harden filled with every flower known to man and tea tables everywhere.

And of course, last but definitely not least, the water fountain bigger than my ass. Which is hard to beat might I add. I have a whopping ass. Whatcha gonna do with all that ass all that ass inside them jeans imma make make make you-

"WHAT ON EARTH FAE." Grandmother whisper yelled. Oh, was I singing that out loud? Haha, well hot damn that's going to be embarrassing. For her of course, not me.

"Uh yes?"
"What ungodly words are you singing?" She looked around frantically to see if anyone heard.

"Oh.. Haha you know just I mean.. Music. Not that you would know what that is. Music is something people that like to have joy listen to." What the hell Fae, get it together damn.

"THAT. Was not music. Now keep quiet and come along." As we rounded the corner to the richer than rich table, Mrs Kenna jumped out of her seat and kissed us all of each cheek making obnoxious noises to go with it.

"Oh how you're growing into a beauty." She exclaimed. That poor woman, still thinking the fountain incident was, well, an incident. I almost felt bad for her.
"Oh isn't she?" Grandfather and Grandmother both said.

They eyed me up and down, and suddenly feeling uncomfortable I excused myself "Oh goodness how the garden is so magnificent this year. I am going to take a walk and look at the flowers if you don't mind?"

"Why thank you Fae! They are getting just beautiful this year. Of course you can. Just be sure to be back by first course!" I looked from the corner of my eye to see that Grandmother was pleased with my statement.

Little did she know I'm planning to assassinate someone and throw them in Mrs. McBitch's garden. When I'm finally out of sight, I pull the wedgie that this damn garter belt has been giving me.

Garter belts promote "femininity" according to everyone in my family. Which is fine by me, but when you're covered in lace things tend to slide up your ass in the most unlady-like way. But we can't break tradition now can we.

I should resume to my song. I looked around to see if anyone was around, but they were all drinking tea. "Whatcha gonna do with all that ass all that ass inside-"
And of course something stepped on a stick, ruining my song.

"Uh who's there"
"Ok. All that ass Inside those jeans imma-"
Another snap.

"Ok whoever you are you're not sneaky.." A squirrel jumped out of the bush. Now I talk to animals. Great.

"Make make make make you scream-" there was deep chuckling behind me. I whipped around and saw the most beautiful man.

"Holy shit. I- uh."
"You're gonna make make me scream huh?" He said smirking the most exquisite smirk I've ever seen." Oh. So he's an arrogant one. No time for that. I started walking off, but his deep voice caught me off guard once again.

"Where are you going?"
"Away from you actually." I replied as if his godly looks didn't affect me. He put a hand over his heart and staggered back as if I had shot him.
"A feisty one."

"I'm a woman actually. I'm not just a "feisty one" thanks. And I'm only "feisty" whenever creepy men stalk me and interrupt my damn good solo." I shot back. He looked at me in surprise and curiosity.

"Language. You're hardly a woman. What are you, 12? And I was here first, when my peaceful stroll was suddenly disturbed by some godawful noise. You sure made me want to scream, with that pitch of yours."

"I'll have you know that I AM in fact a woman. I am eighteen. And how old are you? 40? 45?" He laughed.
"Oh and by the way rapist, I am in my church choir." His deep brown eyes looked more and more interested by the second, so I decided to walk away.

"You need to learn-"
"Manners? Yeah I hear it all the time, I don't need you to add to my collection of criticizers. I'm my own person, I'll do whatever the hell I want so get out of my ass."

I could see his amazingly chiseled jaw clench at my words. Finally, I was starting to get to him. Take that, asshole.

"I'm guessing you're single?" That turned me around fast. Did he seriously just say that?

"What the ever-loving fuck is your problem? I am as a matter of fact and it's because-"

"Because they can't handle you. You're stubborn as hell and I've known you for what, five minutes? Can't blame them to be honest. You're hardheaded. Impolite." He was walking closer with each word, and now we were neck to neck, and he was really damn tall.

"Actually, I'm not to be controlled. Or owned. Or bossed around. I'm no ones and I can do whatever I want. People like you piss me the hell off. Don't tell me what I am and what I'm not."

I stomped off. From behind me I heard "you're just mad because you know it's the truth." Which made me stomp faster. In my haste, I tripped over my stupid ass heels.

"Ugh! These MOTHERFÜCKING stilts." I heard him coming up behind me.

"Here." He reached out to help me, but I quickly pushed him away, making him smirk.

"See? You think you're so independent. Well you're going to eventually learn that you're just a little girl. A stubborn as hell little girl"

"I am not. I'm 18! That's not a little girl! And I'm not stubborn, I just don't need you or anyone else's help!"

He laughed again and mumbled "too stubborn to even admit you're stubborn." I just keep walking and give him my favorite finger. What an asshole. How arrogant can you get?

Who is this mystery man eh? Eh?
Much Love,

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