Lips of Ambrosia

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We sat in silence waiting for a call from Javier's so called "assistant". Where are we going? And why do we need to fly there? I couldn't ignore the temptation, so I got my book out on my phone.

I had to see how it all ended for them. I know it's just a book, but this isn't exactly my line of expertise.

Javier's phone rang and he quickly answered it.
"Yes. Thank you. I want Gerald to pick me up ASAP."
"Are you always this bossy?" I asked and something flashed in his eyes.

He looked at me for a long time, his eyes never wavering.
"Yes." He whispered, but somehow the word still held authority. It was me who broke contact.

I went back to my book, the steamy part of which I had left off before he made me spill my drink.
"Oh shit" I muttered. This part was getting better and better.

"Are you..reading porn my dear Fae?" My head shot up at his amused tone.
"What?! I-uh-no. Why would you think that?" I looked everywhere but his piercing eyes.

"Oh nothing." He replied rather nonchalantly, which scared me. Javier was never nonchalant, always straightforward and firm. I saw him leaning over trying to read it, so I turned my brightness down because I'm a total bitch.

He huffed. I smirked.
"Oh god is that your grandmother?" Javier said in shock, I turned to where he was looking only to have the phone snatched out of my hands.


"GIVE IT BACK JAVIER." He chuckled and turned the brightness up. His eyes went wide, and he looked from me to the phone. To my surprise, he continued reading silently.

"Wow. I see we share the same interests." He said slyly, looking at me through his dark lashes. He continued reading, then said "Whoever wrote this is obviously a virgin."

"W-what? I thought it was pretty detailed." To me, the book was great.
"Yes but that's only because she's probably had sex before."

That made total sense. A sex having virgin.

"But you just said she's most likely a virgin."
"A BDSM virgin."
"Oh.." There was an awkward silence as he continued reading.

He was biting his bottom lip in thought, his face so serene. He looked up and I made a failed attempt of acting like I wasn't just staring at him.

"Have you watched the movie?"
"Fifty Shades of Grey?"
I hadn't even known what is was exactly about until a few hours ago.

"Hm." He looked back down, consumed in the book.
"It's much, much more fun than this." He whispered to himself; his voice darker as he was lost in thought.

"So this explains your obvious curiosity?" He half smiled, raising an eyebrow teasingly at me.
"Yeah. Kind of."
"I'm not like him." He said, handing me the book.

"Yes. Here." He handed me my phone, "Gerald is here."
What did he mean by that? Were there different levels of dominants? I didn't realize that I had zoned out in my thoughts until I felt an arm tugging me.

"Fae. Gerald is waiting." I got up and followed him out to-

Holy shit.

That's a big ass plane.

I looked over at Javier who was already staring at me. I picked up my jaw and walked toward the huge black jet thing.

"Is this the one?" I asked stupidly; still dumbfounded.
"No Fae, that one must be someone else's." sarcastic asshole. I kept staring until I heard him huff beside me.
"You're very wealthy, do you not have a private jet?"
"No." why would we need one?

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