Authors Note

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I'd really like your input on my last chapter. No, I need your input. I'm dying to know what you thought of it. I'm warning you guys now, this book is only going to get worse.

Or, in my opinion, better;)

If you think it's too graphic, I understand, and you should STOP READING RIGHT NOW. I'm not going to do the whole "18 and up" because honestly, who listens to that?

I just turned 17 myself, and as you know, I have also ignored the CAUTION: YIELD YOUR INNOCENT EYES notes.

So carry on you filthy animals, and enjoy my book;) AND COMMENT AND VOTE.

To all of you supportive, committed voters and commenting readers, I love you and it really does help. It helps me get an idea of what you like and dislike. Give me what you think is going to happen! Or what annoys you or hell, your life stories! I love random comments, and I read them all as well as reply.

Don't hesitate to tell me what annoys you, just be civilized about it. Honestly, my characters annoy me sometimes too even though it is for a reason.

Sorry for the long authors note, and if you read it all, you're a trooper. I hate authors notes.

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