Partying gone wrong

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The drive was about an hour and a half, because we wanted the best club around. Tonight was going to be great. I couldn't stop my excitement as we sang to my G-Eazy CD I had put in. Yes, I'm obsessed. Don't judge me and my love for that man and his sexy hair ok?

"Hey guys..?" Cassandra cautiously said.
"I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but hasn't that beautiful red beauty of a car been following us the whole way?"

We all glanced back and oh my, the car was sexy. How could I have not noticed a bright red muscle car follow us for almost an hour?
"They're probably going to the club Cass. Everyone goes to it; it's the best around."
"True." She said, and soon we were singing at the top of our lungs again.

We were walking to the entrance of the club only to be stopped by a long ass line.
"Girls. You know what to do." I said. We all smirked and fixed our hair, walking past the line to the body guards.
"Hey." Cassandra said, her boobs all of the sudden a little less covered. The body guards eyes went down to her chest and widened.

"Hi." He said, still looking at her chest.
"We're here under the name of Fae Cullins? We're in the VIP section." I said. He looked through the list
"Oh yes! Here you are. But your going to have to wait like everyone else ma'am." We all put on our pout faces and puppy eyes.

"Aw but it's my 21st birthday," I whined, "I wanted it to be perfect." He immediately looked persuaded.
"Well.. Alright. Happy birthday." He said, sending me a wink. I smiled seductively.

We all high fived each other.
"Bitches. We are good." Hanna said, and the night of fun began. My friends went straight to the VIP section to dance as I got my drink. This wasn't just a night for fun to me, this was a night for forgetting and getting my mind off some things.

I sat down at the bar as a very attractive bartender came up to me.
"How can I help you Miss?"
"Hmm...surprise me. With the strongest you've got please."
His eyes widened and a smirk appeared on his face.
"The strongest? You sure about that babe?"

I heard someone slam their glass down beside me and I looked over to see a man in a black hoodie. He must've had a hard night..

"Oh I'm sure." I said flirtatiously.
"Alright.." He seemed a bit hesitant but smiled. "I'm guessing you're a fruity kinda girl huh?" He said, and I think that sentence may or may not have had a double meaning judging by the smirk on his face.
"Definitely." I replied.

Not even two minutes later he arrives with a red drink. Oh hell yes. I took a sip and if taste buds could orgasm, they would've. I moaned at the amazing taste.
"You like it?" He asked, a smile in his voice.

"God yes. You're magical. Thank you."
"Haha just doing my job." He replied with a wink. "I'm Jackson by the way."

"I'm Fae." I said.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl I see." The second he said that, the man beside me once again slammed his glass down. This guy seriously needs a stronger drink. I could almost smell the anger from him. Bad breakup? That's my my guess. She probably cheated on him.

Jackson and I both looked at him and looked back at each other. Bad break up, I mouthed. He nodded.

"So what's brought you here?" Jackson asked casually.
"Oh you know. Girls night out."
"Where are the girls?"
"VIP section. I just need a good drink to start off."
"Haha, rough day?" He guessed.

"You could call it that. Can you keep these coming please? Oh, and can I have a couple olives too?"
"Of course." He said and went on his way to making my next drink.

*** two hours and god knows how many drinks later***

Holy shit it's bright up in here. WOAH they're playing music? Why didn't anyone tell me?! I got up to go to the dance floor and stumbled, but was caught by some random guy.
"THANK YOU!" I yelled and he just nodded and smiled.

"Fae? Hahaha you're so drunk."
"What er YOUUU talkin bout?" I said poking her.
"That's what we're here for bitches let's dance!"

**another hours passes by along with some more drinks**

"IM A PHOENIX. I AM REBORN. LOOK OUT WORLD. I WAS ONCE A CALLAPITTAR, BUT NOW IMMA BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY." I screamed. I have never been so happy in my li- woah. That drink looks nice. I took it from the mans hand and he looked man for second but I said thank you and now I think he's okay. He kinda looks like an octopus. Oh my gosh, he IS an octopus?!

He's gonna die. He needs water.
"I'll save you!!"
"What?" He looked confused. Probably because he can't think without his water. I walked up to the bar with cutie. I forgot his name but he's so nice. He always gives me drinks.

"Another one baby? Not sure if you should..." He said.
"I NEED WATER RIGHT NOW." I yelled seriously and he ran to the back and brought me a big glass of it.
"Thank you sir." Mr. Grumpy Pants slammed his drink down when I said that. Maybe he just doesn't like talking?

"Oh shit my mission."
"yeah I'll be right back, have my red drink ready and this time I want three olives!" I said running over to the octopus. The cute bartender just laughed and started my drink.

I finally got to the octuples through the people...or were they fish? I don't know. Maybe the octopus just lost his way. I poured the water over him..and he didn't look as appreciative as I expected.

"Don't worry, you'll be alright. The oceans not too far from here so while you got water RUN FOR THE BEACH OK. You've got time, but not a lot ok!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" He looked hysterical.

"Please excuse my dear sister. She's a little..." A dark voice came from behind me. I don't have any siblings though. Do I? I HAVE A LONG LOST BROTHER?! The guy immediately laughed and said it's okay. Good, I'm glad he's okay.

"You. Are a mess." I turned around at my brother and it was Mr. Grumpy Pants!
"Mr. Grumpy Pants is my brother?!" He looked at me oddly, and started pulling me out of the club.
"Wait!" I screamed and ran to the bar. Sure enough my lovely bar husband had gotten my drink.

Since he'd been acing for me all night, I decided to give him an appreciation kiss. I leaned over the bat and kissed him on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and right before he could kiss me on the lips, he disappeared. And no, I am not fucking with you. He completely disappeared.

Then I realized an arm was grabbing the collar of his shirt. The arm was my brother. Talk about an overprotective sibling.

"We. Are. Leaving. Sister." He said through gritted teeth.
"What's up your ass? And why don't you pull your hood down I can't even see you." I went for his hood but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a pretty red car.

"Woah. Your car is pretty."
"Yeah," he went around and opened my door, helping me in. "We're going home." Once he was in the car, he locked the doors and windows which was quite odd if you ask me. Then he took a breath and pulled down his hood.


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