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I suddenly felt all of the pent up anger and frustration-sexual frustration- that this man has caused in such a short amount of time.

"You know what? No. I don't want to know. Get out of my freaking room so I can change out of this stupid dress. I've had it to here," I ranted, holding my hand up above me to show him how done I was. "with your "I am your God. Worship me or be punished" shit and the "no Sir yes Sir" crap. I am not your toy and I deserve to be RESPECTED. I'm not going to let you belittle me all the time! And-and you know what else I'm tired of Javier? Not knowing what the fuck you're saying to me in your sexy damn accents! And..and...." I trailed off once I caught his eye.

He was infuriated, and with every step he took toward me I took one back. His face held no amusement, telling me I've probably gone too far.

"Belittle you?" he asked in pure interest and curiosity.
"Yeah....belittle me.." I wasn't sure what he wanted to hear, but he needed to know that like Jasper said, I'm not one of his whores.

That thought spiked my next attack. I stopped stepping back and stomped forward, meeting him halfway.

"And what is up with this "dark past" and "she's not one of your whores brother"..and you know what? You should sit the fuck down because I have a lot of questions for you. Tons."

He stood there, every muscle in his body telling me just how angry he was. I was about to back away to give him some space but he grabbed my waist, holding me there.

He wasn't even trying to compose himself at this point. His eyes held a sadistic darkness that made me question my next move.

I mustered up my fear. "Let go of me."
He narrowed his eyes in response, holding onto my hips a little tighter, tilting his head to the side in challenge.

"Javi-" he cut me off with his lips, forcing my body to his. I wanted to pull away; every sense in my mind told me to.

He didn't wait for entrance, his skillful tongue slipped it's way inside, dominating my mouth. His hand gripped my hair hard, the other grabbing my ass.

We can't keep going around in these circles.

I somehow ripped myself away from him against my body's desperate protests.

He tore his hand stressfully though his hair and growled before walking closer to me in one long stride.

"Don't for a fucking second think I won't do what I have threatened. There is one thing from keeping me from cuffing you and claiming you, and that's because I don't want your screams to be heard by others. Listen closely, little cat, disrespect me like that again and you won't be walking until next week, and that's being generous. Just wait until I get you alone Kitten. You'll instantly regret every. Fucking. Word. That has come out of your pretty little mouth and said to me." His eyes went dark and sterile, his hands clenched at his sides.

Our glaring continued for a straight minute, before I tore my gaze away form his.

"Get out." I said, motioning to the door.

He threw his head back, laughing as if I had said the funniest thing since sliced bread.
"What have I told you about the control system here? Oh Gattino, the things I need to teach you." He was so pissed that his anger turned into hysterics, and he was in front of me in an instant.

Right as he opened his mouth to say predictably another threatening speech filled with such anger I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, the door downstairs in the Lobby opened. Mr. Maraz's deep laugh sounded and Javier pushed himself away from me, storming downstairs.

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