Threatful Promises

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"Cazzo." Javier muttered under his breath, buttoning his pants up quickly before the person completely entered the room seeing us in this...predicament.

The door opened revealing Dante causing Javier's face to twist in anger.

"What the fuck are you doing in Fae's bathroom?" he spat, stepping in front of me to hide me from Dante's vision.

Even though my bubbles are up to my nose..

"I came here to talk to Fae actually. What are you doing in Fae's bathroom..shirtless?

"Get the fuck out." was his only response.

"How about yo-"
"Hey! I'll uh talk to you when I'm ou-"
"How about I what, you little fuck?" Javier challenged, stepping closer to him in angry, graceful strides.

Well damn.

"Javier. I didn't come here to fight."
"Then get. The hell. Out."

Dante eyed me about to say something, causing Javier to step toward him threateningly, a growl low in his throat.

"Vaffanculo." He gritted through his teeth, his muscles tensed in overprotective mode.

Dante left the room without another word. I wonder what he had to talk with me about..

"So Kitten, as I was saying." His eyes danced as he stepped toward me and got on his knees, kneeling by the bathtub. His anger completely gone.

"I was thinking about something very, very important little cat. It seems tha-"

"Fae? Are you in here?" Grandmother's voice sounded through my room, her footsteps making their way toward my bathroom.

The door was opened, and my eyes met hers for what felt like an eternity.

"Here Fae. I brought you some extras too, so you don't forget again." Javier said, holding out some towels, covering his eyes to add to his innocent façade.

"Oh right! The towel I asked for! Thank you."

"My pleasure." He left the room.

And his shirt.

Grandmother's face was full of confusion but then soon she understood that he was only here to bring me towels.

"Well, anyway..the Mckinely's have invited us to another banquet. Were going to meet Peter's fiance thsre. Oh Fae, I hear she is such a wonderful, polite young lady. Why on earth does Javier walk around without a shirt? That's quite odd-"

"Boys will be boys Grandmother." I replied quickly, trying to refrain from looking down at the shirt on the ground.

God, please please don't let her see.

"I suppose that is true. Alright then, just remember the banquet and wear something neutral. No bright colors."

"Okay." I rushed out awkwardly.

She left and only then did I exhale the huge breath I had been holding. I looked down at Javier's shirt, still lying on the ground, thanking it for being unnoticed.

The rest of my unnecessarily long bath was uninterrupted by horny men. I got out and dried off, running to my bed to escape the cold. My skin still hinted the light, fresh smell of my soap and I took it in.

I blow dried my hair before changing into some boy shorts and a big shirt.


His shirt was still in there. I should bring it to him. I looked over to my clock and it showed that it was just past 11:00, meaning everyone would be in bed. Should I bring it to him, or is it too late?

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