"Fuck. You"

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When I finally made it to the table a little late for the first course, I could tell Grandmother had been panicking as usual. She quickly hid her glare with a smile and ushered me into my seat beside Peter and an empty seat on my other side.

"Fae, lovely of you to join us." Mrs. McKinely said.
"Yes I'm very sorry for being late, but I got so caught up in the flowers. Your hysterias are gorgeous!" I think a hysteria is a flower. Shit, please be a fucking flower.

"Oh I know! We got some new plant fertilizer all the way from this absolutely grand place in Eastern Europe!" Thank god.

"They smell amazing. Along with the other flowers. Did you happen to plant any new ones this year? I thought I saw some I had not seen before."

"Yes we did. And this year, my yellow roses bloomed!" She clapped her hands in excitement. I'm getting so damn lucky right now. I just smiled and started eating my salad.

"Oh and Mr. Maraz and his children has come to visit this year Margaret! He is just so handsome and oh my so are his two boys. Very polite. He bought one of your yachts do you remember?" Mrs. McKinely said excitedly. Who tf is Mr. Maraz?

"That name does ring a bell...did he by any chance attend the beach party?"

"Yes! He did. He's very tall, well...dark features?"
"Of course I remember him! He was very helpful with the party. Where is he?"
"He should be here. He and his sons are going to sit here with us, because they don't know anyone here."

They started looking around. The last thing I need is three men for these cougars to swoon over. Is already had plenty of interaction with men today. Ugh. Stubborn. HE was stubborn.

"Mrs. McKinely! Pleasure seeing you again. Margaret is that you? It is! How are you?" A man with salt and peppered hair said... Who looked quite familiar...then I saw it.

It being him. Him. Oh no. I did my best to hide my surprise and shoot daggers as I saw that stupidly attractive smirk on that stupid attractive face. He walked over to the seat next to me. You've got to be shitting me right now.

"Hello Miss, have we met before?" He asked. Oh I'm going to castrate him.
"I don't believe we have." I said through gritted teeth.
"Is this seat taken?"
"Oh this one? Actually, yes it is." I said, showing off something that resembled a smile I hope.

"Oh really? Who might I ask?" He was challenging me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Nosy are we?"
"Oh honey no one is sitting there. What are you talking about?" My lovely grandmother cut in.
"Oh no one is? Goodness, I could've sworn someone was. Perhaps they went to the lady's room?"

"I don't believe so. Here, sit sit!" She motioned for him.
"Thank you Mrs....?"
"Call me Margaret." I looked at her incredulously. I'm not even allowed to call her Margaret. What the hell?
"Thank you, Margaret." He said, giving her a warm, heartbreaking smile.

"Too bad your friend left this seat hm?" He whispered to me.
"Yes, she was quite the company. Too bad you took her spot."

"I hope she understands."
"It is very rude to take a lady's seat Mr. Maraz."
"Mr. Maraz is my father."
"Which makes you a Mr. Maraz as well."

"No." He leaned in close to where his lips brushed my ear. I involuntarily shivered. "Call me Javier."
"Oh." I whispered, taken back by his unnecessary closeness.

"And what do I call you?"
"It doesn't matter. I'll never see you after today." He chuckled.
"Not even going to tell me your name?"
"Nope." I said, carefully not looking him in the eyes.

"Um, Father?" He addressed to the well aged Mr. Maraz. His wife is quite lucky. He resembled his son exactly. The same masculine jaw, deep, sinister eyes, full lips, dark hair, and beautifully tanned skin.

The only difference was the few wrinkles Mr. Maraz has, and his hair that is peppered with gray hair. He still looked nice.

"Yes Javier?"
"Where did you say we would be staying until the wedding?"

"With the McKinely's of course." He looked at his son curiously, as if he should have know. Javier was up to something. But what wedding? I looked at Grandfather, who was looking at Grandmother, who was looking at me., worriedly.

"But, didn't Mr. McKinely say there was a jousting tournament? We don't have tickets. They don't want us alone in their house do they?"

"Oh goodness, I completely forgot about the tournament tomorrow!" Mrs Kenna ushered off, most likely in search of her husband.

"Father we can't ask them to skip it. Who could possibly take us in? I doubt anyone has any room and our jet is already gone. We can't just go home."

"Why don't you stay with us? We have plenty of room and maids to look after you. We as well are going to the tournament, but Fae will be there.

"Fae?" Javier asked. Damnit. Thanks s'much.
"Yes this is Fae. How rude of you not to introduce yourself Fae."
"My apologies, I guess I was caught up in this wonderful food." I quickly covered.

I looked over to see Javier grinning slightly. Dickhead.
"Father that would be fine with me. I'm sure when Jasper arrives he'll be fine with the changes as well."

"Oh we couldn't ask that of you, Margaret."
"No no please, it's the least I can do. You're fine with it Sweet?" She asked Grandfather.

You better say no damnit. I pleaded him with my eyes but he didn't notice.
"Of course." He said. Fuck all of you. Fuck fuck fùckitty FÜCK.

"WAIT!" I all but screamed startling everyone around us.
"Uh I- we.. Our guest bedrooms are being remodeled!" I said quickly.
"Oh they're finished. All of them but the ones on the third floor."

"Oh." Quickly defeated. The world was out to get me. I can see the gravestone now. "Found in her room hanging from the ceiling with satin sheets around her neck." For the rest of the meal I kept my head down and ate silently. Smiling and nodding when addressed, answering with short but polite answers.

"I guess we're staying with you....Fae." His husky voice startled me and I noticed his Russian-like accent for the first time. Once again he was much too close for comfort.

I leaned in and put my lips to his ear, causing him to inhale sharply, not expecting this reaction. I whispered in my most seductive tone

"Fuck. You."

ANOTHER CHAPTER. THINGS WILL GET BETTER FROM NOW ON. NOW WEVE GOT THE BASICS. JAVIER EH? EH? What's-a-gonna happen? >:) COMMENT and enjoy my amazing readers. Whoever reads this is the bomb.com and I just wanna say you're beautiful.


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