You and Me

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This penthouse was the fucking shit.

Sure, Javier was gone and sure, he was bailing a friend out of jail, but I was having the time of my life.

I slid down the floors in my fuzzy socks and underwear for the nth time, about to shit myself with happiness.

Grandmother never let me do this kind of stuff, but I had a vague memory of doing this with my father years ago. The memory made me feel so happy and so sad at the same time. It was the only memory that made me feel such a rush of good and bad emotions.

When I almost successfully achieved a concussion, I decided it was time to stop.

I walked around the apartment-this time with less vigor. It was such a beautiful place. I'd always loved big apartments in the city. It was the little girl inside of me that was infatuated with all that was going around her.

It was never ending. People were always out, lights were bright. It gave you hope.

I looked out of the huge window overlooking the city for god knows how long before a text broke me from my thoughts.

Javier: Are you alright? If you're hungry, you can eat. It may be a while before I'm back.

I sent him a quick text telling him that I was okay, and that it had only been an hour.

An hour and he was already making sure of my whereabouts and wellbeing.

Is he always going to be so protective?


I realized I didn't mind that, and it would be weird for him to be different. I honestly probably needed someone to keep me in check anyway.

My phone began to ring, breaking my thoughts.  Grandfather.


"Hello darling! How is everything? Are you enjoying the beach? Has Javier taken good care of you-"

Oh, he's taken very good care of me.

"Yes, yes and yes. I'm sorry I haven't called. I texted you, but I'm guessing you still haven't figured that out yet?"

"No, the blasted thing. I don't know what was wrong with my other phone-"

"Grandfather, your other phone was practically a medieval aged compass."

"Well I liked it! I'm a creature of comfort, you know. I knew how to operate everything on that phone. Anyway, darling, what have you been doing at the beach of paradise?"

"Lots of things, actually. A lot of swimming. We went scuba diving the other day. The house is fantastic," I hated lying to him, but covering my ass was the only thing on my mind.

What the old man didn't know wouldn't kill him.

"And Javier? What is he up to? He's been treating you well? Keeping his distance?"

"Yes, Grandfather. We kind of just do our own thing. He's out on the water fishing right now and I'm know..doing my thing. What about you, though? How is everything-"

"Fae, darling. Don't lie to me."


"Don't lie to me. You're a fantastic liar and I think that's such a horrible trait to have. You know you can't lie to me."

"Lie? About what?" Oh god. Oh shit.

"Sweetheart, I know you and Javier aren't just "doing your own thing". Don't think just because I'm old I don't know anything now. Now, is he treating you well dear?"

Fighting for DominanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora