Sweet, Sweet Revenge

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This does not leave off immediately after the last chapter, nor does it start where the last one began. If you get a little confused, go back a recap. I hope you like it:)

Javier's POV

I watched in awe as she conversed with everyone, so at ease and comfortable despite the new surroundings and people.

She was a piece of work.

I half listened as she teased and made fun of me, too caught up in her beauty and how I could spend every moment with her to even defend myself.

If anyone else had tried to make a fool of me in front of any of my members, much less my respected ones, they'd have a paddle to their ass in mere seconds.

But when Fae did it, I just wanted to tease her back, make her pay in a different way. Sure, I wanted to hear her beg and plead for my mercy, but not out of pain. Not out of fear. I wanted to hear her cry for me to keep going, for her to beg for my touch.

Instead of spreading my wings and hovering over her to show that I was above her, I wanted to hover to protect her. To let her know that she doesn't need to worry about anything, because I'll handle it.

Because I love her.

Everyone was starting to realize that I had not been answering or contributing to the conversation whatsoever, so I snapped away from those thoughts immediately- silently grateful that I wouldn't have to ponder over what the fucking hell I'd just thought.

Tell us how you met, Master Javier." Jonathan practically squealed when he noticed I focused back in the conversation, and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was.

"We met due to Fae's unending supply of stubborn wit and vulgar singing." I answered secretly, causing them to all turn their heads to Fae with confused faces. Part of me was just saying that to tease her, but the other part of me just didn't want them to know the full story.

It was a moment between the two of us. I liked it that way. Fae looked at me with a sneaky smile, failing at attempting a scowl.

"Javier was hiding in the bushes watching innocent young women, waiting for his attack." She added, only confusing everyone ten times more. Their heads went between the two of us, laughing as we continuously have each other a hard time.

She explained the story, leaving out details, which I was thankful for.

When I told someone about how we met, I would want it to be someone special.

Like my kids for example.

What the fuck? I don't want fucking kids.

I shook that thought away quickly and turned back to listen to her describe the story with complete bias information, making me seem like a douche while she was just some innocent young woman walking through the garden.

As if she wasn't singing about ass the entire time.

"-Not to mention she disrespected me entirely." I interrupted her game innocence, trying to keep a look of anger on my face, but she was too goddamn beautiful.

I couldn't be mad at her for long.

Then she rolled her eyes.

If anyone knew me, they knew that eye rolling was something I did not appreciate.

And Fae sure as hell knew me.

Her eyes went wide with knowing, and I could practically see the light bulb go off inside her head.

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